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    user_function.eng / a-tree and u-tree versions

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Should the a-tree and u-tree versions of user_function.eng be the same?

    There was a comment on the aleph-na list that said they should be 'in sync,' but ours are quite different, and I don't know why.

    The a-tree version of user_function.eng is the current, official version as distributed by Ex Libris. The u-tree version should be the same -- unless you have made changes to it after the upgrade.

    However, in many cases (e.g. after an upgrade from v16 to v18) the v16 user_function.eng can get copied from the u-tree got copied to the v18 u-tree.

    I would suggest creating a backup copy of your current v18 user_function.eng in the u-tree and then copy the v18 a-tree version down to the u-tree (restart the pc-server).

    The same applies to version 19-up: you should copy the a-tree version to $alephe_scratch/user_function.eng and use that. If you have made local modications to user_function.eng, you should re-apply those after copying over the a-tree version.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013