v21 cir-84 job needs title/description changed
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 21
Problem Symptoms:
v21 cir-84 job needs title/description changed; the "Report / Delete 'Lost' loans" is incorrect.
* 2012-CIRC-10 enhancement, delivered by rep change #2016 in the v.21.1 minor release, is for Lost item loans which have been paid.
* This service cir-84 deletes loans that were declared 'Lost' and have no open related cash charges and changes the item process status according to an input item process status.
Incorrect info in Circ menu, Submission file, and Help file.
v21 rep_change 2348 corrects the following:
./pc_b__help_eng/p-cir-84.html, and
the rep_change Description.
Additional Information
The following specific changes need to be made:
1. In ./pc_b_eng/p-cir-84.xml: change
<title>Report / Delete "Lost" loans (cir-84)</title>
<title>Report / Delete "Lost" Paid loans (cir-84)</title>
2. In ./pc_b_eng/menu-circ.xml change:
<display>Report / Delete "Lost" Loans (cir-84)</display>
<display>Report / Delete "Lost" Paid Loans (cir-84)</display>
3. In ./pc_b__help_eng/p-cir-84.html: change
<title>&library - Report / Delete "Lost" loans (cir-84)</title>
<title>&library - Report / Delete "Lost" Paid loans (cir-84)</title>
And change:
<p>This service deletes loans that were declared 'Lost' and changes the item process status according to an input item process status.
<p>This service deletes loans that were declared 'Lost' ? and paid -- and changes the item process status according to an input item process status.
Description: When a loan is declared "Lost", the staff user manually deletes the loan from the patron's loan list and changes the item's process status to "Withdrawn" or to another relevant process status. There is no automatic process for deleting lost loans.
Solution: A new batch service - Report/Delete "Lost" loans (p-cir-84) - has been added. This service deletes loans that have been declared "Lost" and changes the item's process status according to a batch parameter.
Description: When a loan is declared "Lost", the staff user manually deletes the loan from the patron's loan list and changes the item's process status to "Withdrawn" or to another relevant process status. There is no automatic process for deleting lost Paid loans.
Solution: A new batch service - Report/Delete "Lost" Paid loans (p-cir-84) - has been added. This service deletes loans that have been declared "Lost" ? and Paid -- and changes the item's process status according to a batch parameter.
Category: Installation & Upgrades (500)
Subject: Service Pack (500)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013