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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    write_sock_m: send error connection 0 errno Broken pipe

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    I have noticed the following repeated error in the www_server_log of our production server:

    write_sock_m: send error connection 0 errno Broken pipe

    The message appears throughout the log in no particular context. The number after "connection" varies between 0, 1 and 2.

    I would be very grateful for your advice, please, as to how critical this error is and what should be done to fix it.

    We believe that this just indicates the failure of 1 particular search. It could have happened when the first process performed a big search and exited by timeout, or a buffer overflowed.

    If you have seen just a few of these in the log this is not a cause for concern. If we were to start to see hundreds of these, then we could diagnose further. For example if users report that certain searches don't work and we can relate these non-working searches to this error message, otherwise we don’t think you need worry about this.

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    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013