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    xxx50 Local Patron z305 records in Version 18

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 17.01

    We have a problem in our V18 installation that we need help with:

    In version 17, we have an ALEPH local patron record that is used for all borrowing. I understand from the documentation that the ALEPH user is no longer needed except for multi-ADM sites. And indeed, in the version 18 client, we no longer see the ALEPH user.

    So, the question is (I think!)... How do we get the UTK50 local user to work the way it should (with correct privileges attached) in version 18?

    All the z303 records have UTK50 for the z303_user_library:

    utk50@UP18> select count(*) from z303 where z303_user_library is null;
    **** Hit return to continue ****


    1 row selected.

    utk50@UP18> select count(*) from z303 where z303_user_library = 'UTK50';
    **** Hit return to continue ****


    But all the Z305 records, except for three, have ALEPH as the Z305-SUB-LIBRARY (rather than UTK50):

    utk50@UP18> select count(*) from z305 where substr (Z305_REC_KEY,13,5) = 'ALEPH';
    **** Hit return to continue ****


    utk50@UP18> select Z305_REC_KEY from z305 where substr (Z305_REC_KEY,13,5) = 'UTK50';
    **** Hit return to continue ****

    H UTK50
    HR UTK50
    279571 UTK50

    3 rows selected.

    Version 18, with USER-SHARING=N, wants the Z305 records to have the ADM library (or an actual sublibrary) as the Z305-SUB-LIBRARY (rather than "ALEPH").

    You need to do the following:

    1. Delete the ALEPH z305 record for the two cases with both a UTK50 z305 and an ALEPH z305. These are:

    H UTK50
    HR UTK50

    SQL> delete from z305 where z305_rec_key in ('H ALEPH', 'HR ALEPH');

    (If you don't do this, the next step with fail because of duplicates.)

    2. Run this SQL:

    update z305 set Z305_REC_KEY = substr (Z305_REC_KEY,1,12) || 'UTK50' where where substr (Z305_REC_KEY,13,5) = 'ALEPH';

    3. Run p_cir_25 for UTK50 to regenerate the z353 table.

    Site re-ran Upgrade Express Step 1015; it ran correctly and gave the same result as the preceding.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013