z309 retention
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
It is assumed that the Z309 is driven by tab_circ_log.eng and that the data can be depersonalized through cir-32.
Is there any problem with editing tab_circ_log.lng and deleting all of the records that have accumulated in z309?
* what type of retention schedule is advised
* how would you implement the deletion?
There is no problem with deleting a big amount of z309 records which have accumulated.
As described in KB 16384-18434, we suggest that you do *not* use cir-32 for the z309 but instead run cir-78 .
cir-78 does not limit the patrons whose z309 records are removed to any particular status (such as sublibrary pseudopatrons). That would need be done via SQL.
The retention schedule is something you will need to decide on.
Category: Circulation (500)
Subject: Loans (500)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013