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    z36h_returned_date of "20090931" (September 31, 2009)

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    I was wondering how Aleph came to write a z36h with a z36h_returned_date of "20090931". As you know, September only has 30 days, so this date is of course incorrect.

    I am attaching an excel file that has the four records from the Z36h table that have this error.

    You will note that in each case the date in the z36h_time is "20091031" and the z36h_returned_date is "20090931" (with a z36h_returned_hour for each of "1038").

    It seems that these items were returned all at once, on 2009-10-31, I suspect with an "Override Date" of 2009-09-31 in GUI Circ.

    Checking on our v20 server (rep_change 2432), I am unable to enter a date like "20090631" or "20090931" in the Override Date box. (I get "Invalid Date".) Please confirm that you also get "Invalid Date" for "20090931" in Override Date on your server.

    I suggest that you check for such dates with the following SQL:

    SQL> select z36h_returned_date from z36h where substr (z36h_returned_date,5,4) = '1131';
    SQL> select z36h_returned_date from z36h where substr (z36h_returned_date,5,4) = '0931';
    SQL> select z36h_returned_date from z36h where substr (z36h_returned_date,5,4) = '0631';
    SQL> select z36h_returned_date from z36h where substr (z36h_returned_date,5,4) = '0431';

    Checking other sites with high circulation, some for 10 years with Aleph, I get no hits.

    I suggest that you periodically run this SQL to see if you are continuing to get cases like this.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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