z39_server log message: "I am in bend init"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Our system went down. I see the message "I am in bend init" in the z39_server log:
initRequest {
protocolVersion BITSTRING(len=1)
options BITSTRING(len=2)
15:14:20-29/11 z39_server(1) [log] ------------->I am in bend init
15:14:20-29/11 z39_server(1) [request] Auth none
15:14:20-29/11 z39_server(1) [request] Init OK - ID:81 Name:YAZ Version:2.1.32
initResponse {
protocolVersion BITSTRING(len=1)
options BITSTRING(len=2)
What is this? Has someone hacked into our system?
The message "I am in bend init" is a diagnostic produced by the Aleph ./z39_server/bend_init.c program.
It does not indicate any special problem.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013