z602_id: "cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys found"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
When you try to build the z602_id Oracle index, you get:.
ORA-01452: cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys found. Why?
This SQL was used to locate duplicates:
SQL> select f.Z602_REC_KEY, substr(f.Z602_SUB_LIBRARY,1,50) , substr(s.Z602_SUB_LIBRARY,1,50) from z602 f, z602 s where f.Z602_REC_KEY = s.Z602_REC_KEY and substr(f.Z602_SUB_LIBRARY,1,50) ^= substr(s.Z602_SUB_LIBRARY,1,50);
And this to delete them (since we found that some had the ""LGMED" sublibrary, while the other in the pair lacked it).
SQL> delete from z602 where z602_rec_key in (select z602_rec_key from z602 group by z602_rec_key having count(*) > 1) and Z602_SUB_LIBRARY not like '%MED%';
You should back up the Z602 table with p_file_03 before performing any such delete.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013