Analytics Evidence AGSA3 - Entire MARC record including all holdings tags and subfields must be mapped to and reportable
Created By: IGeLU-ELUNA Analytics Working Group
Created on: 11/20/2018
Ex Libris has only mapped part of the MARC record into Analytics. Users want all MARC tags and subfields, including all holdings tags and subfields mapped to Analytics and reportable from Analytics.
topic: general
priority: high
status: in process
subject area: resource management
Ex Libris Response (06 January 2020): The following is tentatively planned for Q4 2020
Add full LDR and full 008 to Bibliographic Details and Holding Details folders.
Add specific positions of the 008 to the Bibliographic Details folder:
- "bibliographic details" folder "Form of item". If the record type is MARC 21 then it will be the value of bibliographic 008 pos. 23. Otherwise empty.
- "bibliographic details" folder "Government publication". If the record type is MARC 21 then it will be the value of bibliographic 008 pos. 28. Otherwise empty.
- "bibliographic details" folder "Method of acquisition". If the record type is MARC 21 then it will be the value of holdings field 008 pos. 07. Otherwise empty.
- "bibliographic details" folder "BIB 008 MARC". Will include the entire 008 "as is".
- "bibliographic details" folder "BIB LDR MARC". Will include the entire LDR "as is".
- "holding details" folder "HOL 008 MARC". Will include the entire 008 "as is".
- "holding details" folder "HOL LDR MARC". Will include the entire LDR "as is".
Ex Libris Response (20 Nov 2018):
- Ex Libris will not map the entire MARC record into Alma Analytics. Users are currently able to map up to 10 9XX tags into Analytics and up to 10 holdings tags.
- January 2019 Alma Release: Ex Libris has removed the limit to 9XX tags for both bib and holdings, see also, Analytics - Including local parameter fields (local fields) in Alma Analytics.pptx
- Institutions must open a case with Ex Libris Support to get tags mapped from Alma to Analytics
- see also 008 field details:
From the IGeLU-ELUNA Analytics Working Group, Analytics Evidence Document
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