Adding a Total to Order List Letter
- Product: Alma
How to add a line with total, to the Order List Letter?
In Alma-L, peers shared several solutions, see for example a solution added Sept. 25, 2017. Check the archives or read this suggestion:
Here's an example of how I did this for our Lost Loan Letters:
<xsl:variable name='fine_fee_amount_total'>
<xsl:value-of select="sum(item_loans/overdue_and_lost_loan_notification_display/fines_fees_list/user_fines_fees/fine_fee_ammount/sum)"/>
<td colspan='6' style='font-weight:bold;text-align:right;'>Total: <xsl:value-of select="format-number($fine_fee_amount_total,'$#,##0.00')"/></td>
Additional Information
Customization of letters is done by the customers, and troubleshooting is done accordingly.
It is always possible to restore to out of the box letter.
Try to test on Sandbox first.
Refer to a How To Preview Configuration by clicking here.
- Article last edited: 03-JAN-2019