Analytics shows multiple Secondary Reporting Codes for a single POL
- Product: Alma
In Funds Expenditure Subject Area, one POLine shows as having two Secondary Reporting Codes – while the PUrcahse Order Line is of course linked to just one code.
This happens when relying on the folder “Reporting Code” and field “Reporting Code Secondary”. This field reflects each transaction which happened in the database.
To get the final "Reporting Code" of the POL, take it from the "PO Line" folder.
The development team advises: We have three places to see it in our subject area:
- Under folder "Reporting Code" (based on the value on the transaction)
- Under folder "PO Line".
- Under folder "Invoice Line"
Additional Information
See the documentation on Analytics, Funds Expenditure, PO Line.
- Article last edited: 16-OCT-2019