Availability statement always display "May be full-text" when ALMA is a link resolver for MetaLib and EBSCO records
- Article Type: General
- Product: Alma
Problem Symptoms:
- Delivery category of the record is "Remote Search Resource", i.e. MetaLib record, Ebsco API record or record that is coming from locally defined 3rd node adapter.
- Primo service pack 4.5 is installed (this is relevant only for Ebsco API records).
- Al
- Primo doesn't include institution value to RSI request .
- Alma returns the Alma Institution code
- Primo cannot match the request with the response as a result.
Alma team is working on the generic fix, it will be available in February release.
Workaround on Primo side is available to solve the problem of institution value generation for RSI request.
To implement:
1. In Primo BO Institution Wizard add the Alma institution code in the SFX Institute field.
2. Save and deploy institution.
3. Deploy Delivery Settings in the Deploy All page.
Additional Information
What needs to be done after the Alma side fix release in February?
After the February release the Alma institution should be deleted from the SFX Institute field .
However since Alma will always return what Primo sends this is not mandatory ? the system will continue to work. It would be better practice to delete it.
If the customer is implementing the Alma multi-campus functionality for management of e-resources and has created a Primo institution per Alma campus ? it is necessary to remove the Alma institution from the SFX Institute field.
- Article last edited: 1/8/2014