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    Can't send an Overdue notification for a lost loan

    • Product: Alma


    In the Overdue and Lost Loan Profile, it is not possible to filter by loan status "Lost". Therefore it is not possible to define an overdue notification for loans that are already in status "Lost".


    Example: A loan was declared "Lost" after 14 days. The library wants to send an additional letter after 28 days.


    Currently, this is not possible. Setting a loan to "Lost" is the final step in the overdue notice cycle. It is not possible to send more letters afterwards.

    Therefore, the profile does not include a filter by loan status = "Lost".


    Note: Currently there is a loan status "Lost with Overdue Charge". This is a non-existing status, and the filter is not functional. It should be removed in a future release.

    • Article last edited: 04-Nov-2016