Different process type drop-down lists in the Scan In Items screen and the Physical Item Editor
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Alma
I noted that the process types we see via the Physical Item Editor form is not the same list we see from the Scan in Items screen.
Why are they different - and how can we define those in the Physical Item Editor Form?
The drop-down list for the Process Type in the "Physical Item Editor" form displays the Work Order Types from the institution level plus the Work Order Types that are defined for the library to which the item in question belongs. The same drop-down list appears for the Request/Process Type in the "Create Work Order" screen, when creating a work order for the item.
In the "Scan In Items" screen you can change only process types configured for the department/circulation desk that you are currently at.
So the drop-down list for the Work Order Type is different here.
Category: Inventory - Alma
Subject: IE/Holding/Item - Alma
- Article last edited: 8/15/2014