Does Alma have a "wildcard" that can be used in the display logic rules?
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Alma
I added the display logic rules for selecting all our groups and then chose to hide 'General Hold Request' if Exists service 'Hold request'.
As a result, the general hold request option disappeared as expected.
The only concern I have now is that, if I add another User group, its users will se the 'Request another issue' link, until I remove the rule and I add it again including all existing Users Group. And so on.
Is there any 'catch all' value (Something like '*') for the feature 'add rule' in display logic rule, so that I can say: apply this rule for *all* user groups, without selecting all the values existing at a specific time?
If you do not select any user group, the rule will be applied for all user groups.
Additional Information
Regarding "until I remove the rule and I add it again" - the ability to *edit* a Display logic rule is on the Alma road map. We are aware that the current situation that allows only to delete and add a rule is very inconvenient for users.
Category: Fulfillment - Alma
Subject: Configuration - Alma
- Article last edited: 12/16/2014