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    Globally change the "is magnetic" field for all items

    • Product: Alma



    For our self-check machine all our physical items need to have the value "Is magnetic" = "Yes". The problem is that currently almost all item records in the system have this value flagged with "No". How can we globally change it for an amount of several thousand items?


    1. Go to Repository search --> Advanced search.
    2. In the "Find" box select "Physical items".
    3. Click "Add Condition".
    4. In the third column, search the "Is magnetic" option and check it, then click "Add conditions".
    5. Complete the search parameter to "Is magnetic" EQUALS "No".
    6. Click "Go".
    7. Once you see the list of results, click "Save query".
    8. Enter a set name (for example "items with magnetic equals no"); other fields are optional; then click "Save".
    9. From the menu select "Run a job".
    10. Select the job "Change physical items" and click "Next".
    11. Select from the list the set that you saved in step 8, then click "Next".
    12. Check the box in the row "Is magnetic".
    13. Change the values to the right of the text "Is magnetic" to "Yes" and to "Unconditionally".
    14. Click "Next" and "Submit".

    Note that the job will run over a huge set of item and will probably need several hours to complete. You can monitor the progress in "Monitor jobs". You might consider starting it in the evening so that it will be finished the next morning.

    Also note that the above procedure will change ALL items with magnetic=No to Yes in the entire environment. If you want to change a subset only, further narrow down your search in steps 4 and 5.


    • Article last edited: 28 June 2017
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