How to Add the User's First Name to the mailReason.xsl Letter
Product: Alma
- Product Version: May 2017
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
How do I add the patron's first name to the letter salutation?
Perform the following steps:
1. From the Alma Configuration menu under the General > Letters > Components Configuration.
2. Locate the "mailReason.xsl" letter and on Actions > Edit.
3. Insert the cursor after the following text:
4. To add the user's first name insert the following text:
<xsl:value-of select="receivers/receiver/user/first_name"/> 
5. (Optional) To substitute the user's last name with the user's first name, perform the following steps:
- Locate the following text:
<xsl:value-of select="receivers/receiver/user/last_name"/>
- Highlight the word "
". - Type "
" (without quotes).
6. Click on the "Customize" (or "Save") button.
7. Test a letter to verify that the user's name appears as desired.
As a result the xsl for first name will appear between the xsl for the salutation and the xsl for the last name.
End result should look like this:
<h3>@@dear@@ <xsl:value-of select="receivers/receiver/user/first_name"/> <xsl:value-of select="receivers/receiver/user/last_name"/></h3>
- Article last edited: 19 May 2017