How to manually create a Purchase Order Line (POL)
- Product: Alma
How can I manually create a POL in Alma?
Perform a repository search to find the title you wish to order. (If title is not found see Additional Information below)
Select the "Order" link. The PO Line Owner and Type will appear.
Select the Purchase Type to determine the purchasing workflow and inventory.
Select the PO Line Owner.
If you have a template, select it to save time on entering vendor and fund information.
Click on Create PO Line
Enter the Material Supplier in the Vendor Information section, Price (if required), Funding.
Enter the Acquisition Method.
Under Additional, you can mark the POL as Manual Packaging. When you click on Save and Continue, the POL will go to manual packaging instead of auto-packaging.
Once the information is entered in the POL, you have the option to:
Save and Continue - If the POL is not marked as Manual Packaging then the POL goes to Auto Packaging. A job is run automatically to package POLs into a PO. See Online Help for more information.
If the POL is marked as Manual Packaging, the POL goes to manual packaging. See Additional Information for next steps.
Save - The POL will stay in the In Review status. You can work on it later or assign to another user.
Order Now - Creates the PO (skips auto-packaging and creates the PO)
Additional Information
See attached document for workflow including screenshots.
See online Help for an explanation of purchase types Explanation of Purchase Types Workflow and Inventory
Price and fund is not required if the Acquisition Method is Gift, Repository or Technical.
If clicked on Manual Packaging go to your Task list and click on Order Lines > Packaging > Select the POLs to package in a PO > Click on the Create New PO button. See Packaging PO Lines into a PO for more information.
The next step would be to invoice and receive the physical items or activate the electronic resource.