Invoice Closed although it was rejected by the ERP
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Alma
We have integrated Alma with our ERP system and found some cases where an invoice has status "Closed" and an alert "Invoice was rejected by external finance system". This doesn't make sense. Can you please check it?
The explanation for this is that someone already had marked the invoices manually as Paid and the invoices were already in status Closed when the Import Payment Confirmation from ERP job ran. But in such a case, where the invoice was manually moved to close and then the job is run on them, this will add just add the “Rejected by ERP” alert but it will not move the invoice from Closed back to In Review. This is the case of these invoices.
More detailed:
The job takes the xml that was created by the ERP system and then looks for all invoices in the xml in the system. If the invoice is found, the job checks the status for Waiting for Payment or Closed, and if the XML says payment_status = paid, the job moves the invoice status from Waiting for Payment to Closed, if the XML says payment_status = rejected, the job adds an alert “INVOICE_WAS_REJECTED_BY_ERP” and moves the invoice status from Waiting for Payment to In Review. It doesn’t move invoices that are in status Closed to another status but just adds an alert.
- Article last edited: 9/19/2014