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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Migrated items with Lost status not waiving replacement fee on return

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Alma


    Staff have noticed an item which was migrated from our previous ILS with status "Lost" and a Fine/Fee is not waiving the Lost item replacement fee when it is returned through Alma.

    Fulfilment configuration is set to refund 100% of the Lost item replacement fee ($70).

    The warning message (“Lost item check in: Item has been declared lost. 100.0 % of 70.00 AUD replacement fee will be refunded”) still appears for items that were set to Lost on Alma itself.

    We also noted that on the patron record for the user ID, there is *no data* in the Barcode column on the fines/fees tab for the migrated Lost Item process fee (for Lost Item process fees created in Alma, the barcode column is populated). The fine still remains, even though the lost item was checked in.


    Reason for this is that in the migration, there is no link between fines and loan since by definition all fines brought are for loans which are completed - and we do not migrate completed loans.

    So only the active Lost Item Process fees are migrated but not the related lost loans. The Lost item message is based on the lost loan so it is not displayed for these migrated items with process status "Lost". There is only a message when you receive a refund for the lost item replacement fee. When a lost item is being returned, Alma searches for fines attached to this loan. If the replacement fee is not linked to the loan, Alma won't give the refund and the message won't appear.

    Category: Fulfillment

    Subject: Migration