New Order API for Electronic Portfolios that are Part of a Collection
- Product: Alma
- Product Version: August Release 2022
This knowledge article is relevant for use cases where an order is created in Alma using the "New Order" API, mostly from vendor systems.
Note: If you are creating orders via OASIS/GOBI, see here.
What is the best practice to handle portfolios created by "New Order" API (for example, orders created at vendor system), when they are part of a collection in Alma?
Follow the guidelines below:
(1) Order the resource.
Order portfolios using "New Order" API. Setup instructions can be found here:
And here:
As a result of the "New Order" API standalone portfolios were created, associated with a brief bibliographic record (in case a matching bibliographic record was found the PO Line will be associated to it).
(2) Move the portfolios.
Move these portfolios to be linked to an Alma collection:
(2.1) Manually by editing each portfolio.
(2.2) Bulk method as follows:
○ Create a logical set of standalone portfolios that were created in "New Order" API.
○ Run a job "Move Set of Portfolios" to move the portfolios, including their PO lines, into the collection. Setup instructions can be found here:
(3) Update the portfolios and bibliographic records.
In most cases while processing the order, vendors send the institution a file with updated metadata for the ordered resource. Run "Update Inventory" import profile with a file provided by the vendor, to find those brief records (using the purchase order line number), and overlay them with the full MARC information. In addition, if needed, resource URL is updated (using the vendor file) and the resource is activated (can be defined in the import profile). In the Update Inventory profile make sure to define Part of an electronic collection in the Inventory Information tab. Choose the collection that the portfolios were linked to in section #2. Setup instructions can be found here:
- Article last edited: 29-Jun-2022