Error message: "No items available for the request due to policy"
- Product: Alma
When attempting to place a request on an item the following error message is displayed: "No items available for the request due to policy". How to resolve it?
Check the configuration:
1. From the Fulfillment Configuration Utility, or directly, inspect the Request Rules and the Request TOU. (To reach the Rules from the Configuration menus go to: Configuration > Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units; select the relevant Fulfillment Unit, its Request Rules, and Request TOU "Is Requestable".)
2. Inspect the Fulfillment Unit "On Shelf Request Policy". If it has "No Requesting", adjust this parameter.
3. Check any Library level "Terms of Use" or "Advanced Policy Configuration". These will override the Institution's configuration
4. Ensure that the Circulation Desk for this item location "Has hold shelf", and fill the information; you can also select "Has hold shelf processing"
5. Check whether the item's location has a Circulation Desk which is configured as the "Primary" circulation desk
6. Check if "Expiry Date" in "Patron Role" expired
Additional Information
Click here for information regarding "Editing a Fulfillment Unit", or "Configuring Circulation Desks".
- Article last edited: 15-Dec-2022