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    Number of bib headings where no appropriate authorized term was found" in the report of "Authorities - Preferred Term Correction" - what does this label say?

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Alma


    Number of bib headings where no appropriate authorized term was found" in the report of "Authorities - Preferred Term Correction" - what does this label say?


    Mainly, this number appears if there is problem with an authority record, which non-preferred term was detected by the job. For example, if non-preferred term was found in the authority index, but there is a problem with authority record, i.e. non-preferred is registered in 410 and preferred in 100. In such a case the term cannot be changed to the preferred, and the record will be counted in "Number of Bib-Heading(s) where no appropriate authorized term was found".

    • Article last edited: 1/25/2015