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    Problems with the creation of Accession Number Sequences



    We added a large number of Accession Numbers Sequences and saved them, but the Sequences have been replaced by the value -1 after some time. Why?


    When you're creating an Accession Number Sequence, this sequence needs to be saved in a specific table in the database to enable the process behind:

    Every time you're assigning a new Accession Number, the system needs to check the last assigned number and create a new sequence, based on the configuration details like library, location, method, and prefix.

    Creating a large number of accession number sequences one after the other might cause the above problem: the sequence has not been saved correctly in the database, but the "error" value -1 has been added to identify the problem.

    To resolve this issue, the sequence needs to be removed and recreated.




    • Article last edited: 21-Jan-2021
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