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    Un-receive function - please elaborate


    • Product: Alma


    What is the unreceive function for a POL in the Receiving Department Items, in Alma?


    It is possible to un-receive an item for a POLine in the Acquisition Department, however only in these conditions:

    • The item must have been received.
    • The item must still be in the receiving department (i.e. is in a Work order status from marking Keep in department).
    • There are no patron or library requests related to the item.

    To un-receive:

    1. Open the Receive New Material and search for the POL (set filter to Status: Closed, if appropriate).
    2. From the item, select "Manage Items" from the row action.
    3. The "Received Items List" page opens. Locate the item under the PO line items tab.
    4. Select Un-Receive from the row actions.


    Additional Information

    Click here for the Online Help page, regarding "Un-receiving an Item".


    • Article last edited: 11-JUN-2024