What do the fields in the Security Events dimension refer to?
- Product: Alma
What do the fields in the Security Events dimension refer to? (Analytics subject area "System Events")
The Accessing User ID is the user who is logged in to Alma - the staff user. That may be Ex Libris staff (always exl_impl) or a staff member of the institution.
The User ID is the user record that was searched and viewed. That is usually a patron, but of course it may also refer to a staff user or even Ex Libris staff user if the relevant user record was accessed.
Note that the User ID is an internal ID which can't be searched in Alma but it can be found in Analytics. Search for User ID together with Primary Identifier in order to see which primary ID belongs to which user ID.
Two User Accessing Operations are possible: "Viewed" and "Exported to Excel". Here "Viewed" just means that someone accessed the user record in Alma to look at the details.
As for the "User Sub Entity List Name", it refers to the portions of the user record that the accessing user opened. If you see identifiersList, it means that the Identifiers tab was opened. When the Contact Information tab was opened, you see addressList, emailList and phoneList - these three results are always displayed together, as they are all grouped in one tab. It is not relevant if the address or phone fields are actually filled with data.
- Article last edited: 30-Aug-2024