What to check in Alma when an item is/is not requestable in Primo
- Product: Alma
For a collection that circulates, is non-renewable and non-requestable, we have a dedicated location and a Terms of Use policy. However, these items are still requestable through Primo. Where should we check to determine why this is?
You will want to ensure that the correct Terms of Use are added to the Request Fulfillment Unit Rules.
You can do so by following the steps below:
Navigate to the Fulfillment Configuration Menu
Ensure "You are configuring: [Your Institution]"
Select: Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units
Click the row actions menu to "Edit" the relevant Fulfillment Unit
Select the Fulfillment Unit Rules tab
Use the drop-down menu to select Rule Type: Request
Verify that the rules use the correct request Terms of Use policy
Step 6 is sometimes overlooked, which can cause items to appear as requestable in Primo.
- Article last edited: 26-Apr-2021