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Where are results in Alma analytics that I know were published in a specific year?

  • Product: Alma



I added a publication date filter now my analytics report is missing items that I know should be there. Where are results in Alma analytics that I know were published in a specific year?


"Bibliographic Details"."Publication Date" comes from the 264 field and is not controlled. To get results for a specific year use a regular expression in the column formula.

  1. Add "Bibliographic Details"."Publication Date" column to report
  2. Edit Formula > Delete Column Formula > Paste:

Evaluate('regexp_substr(%1,''[0-9]{4}'', 1,1)',"Bibliographic Details"."Publication Date")


  1. Check Custom Headings and rename Column Heading to "Publication Date"
  2. Add a filter that is equal to year, ex. 2018



  • Article last edited: 01-Jul-2020