integrate Alma with Bibliotheca ExitWatch RFID SIP gates
- Article Type: General
- Product: Alma
Desired Outcome Goal:
* To set up the ExitWatch security gate program to interact with Alma via SIP 2.0, for tracking of items with RFID tags.
To configure Alma to integrate with ExitWatch via SIP 2.0, perform the following steps:
1. Install stunnel on an ExitWatch PC, defining the stunnel.conf for accepting connections on port 5001 and connecting to the Alma base URL (ex. on port 6443.
2. Set up Alma with an Integration Profile for each ExitWatch PC, with profile type of "Self Check".
3. Download the certificate from Alma per each profile (client.pem) to the directory where stunnel was installed (C:\Program Files\stunnel\ by default).
4. In ExitWatch > Admin > Communications tab, change the Host IP to and the Host Port to 5001.
Category: Fulfillment - Alma
Subject: Integrations
- Article last edited: 7/9/2014