Contributing to the Resource Sharing Directory
This page provides an overview of contributing to the resource sharing directory in Alma, including adding members, the physical items lending policies tab and updating member details.
For more information on resource sharing including locating items for resource sharing, working with resource sharing partners, managing borrowing and lending requests and contributing to the resource sharing directory, see Resource Sharing.
To configure the resource sharing directory, you need one of the following permissions:
- General Administrator
- Fulfillment Administrator
What is the Resource Sharing Directory?
The directory is a central place with up-to-date information about resource sharing libraries in Alma. Libraries opt-in and define themselves in the directory with a few simple steps. Being in the directory will allow other libraries to find your institution and create a peer-to-peer resource sharing relationship with you simply and with less back and forth communication over technical connection details.
In the directory, an Alma connection or an ILLiad connection can be defined per your preferred staff interface.
For more information on the various workflows for resource sharing, including broker and peer to peer based, managing resource sharing partners, borrowing/lending requests and contributing to the resource sharing directory, see Resource Sharing.
What are the steps?
- As a prerequisite, you will need to have a resource sharing library defined in Alma. This can be one library or many based on your specific needs. Each resource sharing library in Alma will need a corresponding member in the directory.
- Finally, you must define Participating Items for each member.
This content is for institutions that already have their resource sharing libraries defined in Alma.
Add a Member
If your institution has multiple campuses/libraries that manage their resource sharing operations separately and independently, only add one member per resource sharing library.
From the Resource Sharing Members page (Configuration > Resource Sharing > Members), select Add new member either from a New Resource Sharing Library or an Existing Resource Sharing Library.
From the Resource Sharing Members page (Configuration > Fulfillment > Contribute to Resource Sharing Directory > Resource Sharing Directory Member), select Add new member either from a New Resource Sharing Library or an Existing Resource Sharing Library.
Member Attributes Tab
The following fields are displayed in the directory to help other institutions find and identify you.
- Name
- Description — libraries can include instructions on how to communicate with them. This information is displayed on the Resource Sharing Partner List Community tab (Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners).
- Status — refers to the current status of the member (active/inactive).
Pods I’m part of is a field that is configured by the Ex Libris Resource Sharing team based on your participation in pods available in your region. Please contact Ex Libris if you would like to join a pod.
Your institution does not have to use Rapido in order to be part of a pod.
Manage requests in enables you to define whether you would like to send and receive ILL requests in Alma or ILLiad.
When selecting ILLiad, you need to define additional connection details.
Member Address - The address that is used for displaying the shipping address. The shipping address is what is defined in the contact information tab of the RS library. The shipping email and shipping phone are also displayed when another institution downloads you as a resource sharing partner. Note that some information such as the shipping email address and ISIL code/ISO symbol, cannot be updated in this screen. They can be updated in the Contact Information page (Configuration > Fulfillment > Library Details > Contact Information tab), when in the scope of the Resource Sharing library. Once the member is added, you can also select Edit Resource Sharing Library from the row actions menu to edit the information.
Physical Items Lending Policies Tab
Once you complete the member details, move to the next tab.
Defining Participating items lets you indicate which physical items you are willing to lend.
Properly defining participating items cuts down on staff time having to reject requests that are not lendable.
- Supplies physical items must be checked if you plan on sharing physical items.
- Add Participating Items.
Selecting Add Participating Item opens the screen below. You can define the physical items that you have approved for resource sharing based on material type, item policy, and location.
Physical items are only available for lending when Supplies physical items is checked.
If you have requested and joined a reciprocal pod, you need to link your participating items to that pod. This is complete when the pod appears under Pods I’m part of.
Updating Member Details in the Resource Sharing Directory
If at any point you need to change information in the repository, you can edit your member details. The directory automatically updates the following day.
Updates are disseminated to partners downloaded from the Ex Libris Resource Sharing Directory. If an institution makes changes that impact the partner information in the Resource Sharing Directory (using the Edit Resource Sharing Library row action), such as email, address, etc., this information is updated on the partner record downloaded by other institutions.