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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Viewing Overdue and Lost Loan Jobs


    For links to all the main fulfillment documentation pages see Fulfillment.

    To view lost loan jobs, you must have the following role:
    • Fulfillment Administrator
    • General System Administrator
    You can view and monitor the created lost loan jobs.
    To view lost loan job details:
    • As a General System Administrator - Locate the relevant completed Loans - Overdue and Lost Item job in the list of all completed jobs. For more information, see Viewing Completed Jobs.
    • As either a General System Administrator or a Fulfillment Administrator - On the List of Change Loan to Lost Job page (Fulfillment > Advanced Tools > View Overdue and Lost Loan Jobs), select View on the job you want to view.
    For information about the report, see Viewing Lost Loan Job Report.
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