Editing/Messaging Users in Bulk
To edit or notify users in bulk, you must have one of the following roles:
- User Manager
- User Administrator
You can make changes and/or send notifications to users in bulk using the Update/Notify Users job.
You can define a specific set of users whose information to edit, or to whom to send notifications. For this purpose you need to create a user set that would contain the required users. For more information on creating user sets, see Managing Search Queries and Sets. For general information on running job on sets, see Running Manual Jobs on Defined Sets.
When notifying multiple users in bulk, a pre-formatted letter is sent to the users. To configure the letters, see the User Notifications Letter in Configuring Alma Letters and Configuring User Notification Types.
When editing user information in bulk, you can convert users between internal and external, update their expiry dates or statuses, add blocks, add roles, and so forth.
For information on editing user information in bulk, watch Update User Records in Bulk (3:13).
For information on assigning user roles to users in bulk, watch Assign User Roles Automatically (3:05).
For example, you can convert a set of external patrons to internal users (for information on external vs. internal users, see Overview of User Management in Alma). This is useful, for example, when a group of patrons is graduating from your university and will no longer be managed by the university system but you want to allow them to continue using the library. These patrons can continue to use Alma and retain their usage history, including any requests, checked-out books, fines, and so forth.
After converting external users to internal users, unless you select otherwise, Alma resets the user passwords, using 10 random characters for the password format. If the passwords are changed, and you select to notify the users, Alma notifies the users of the change in their credentials. The notification is only sent when external users are changed to internal and the job has reset their password.