Upload Electronic Holdings from Sage
You can update Sage electronic holdings by automatically retrieving the institution-specific holdings using an integration profile.
The Sage auto-holdings integration currently covers 96% of all Sage content. See Included Content for more details.
Creating the Sage Integration Profile
- Obtain an institution token ID(s) from Sage, see Obtaining token ID from Sage.
- Confirm the Sage electronic collection(s) for which you are updating holdings are active in Alma. For more information, see Activating the Sage Electronic Collection from the Alma Community Zone.
- On the Integration Profile List page (Configuration Menu > General > External Systems > Integration Profiles) select Add Integration Profile to open the External System wizard for configuring an integration profile.
For the Integration Type parameter, select Upload Electronic Holdings.
For the Provider parameter, select Sage.
Add a description (optional) and select Next.
- Complete the Upload Electronic Holdings configuration section using the information in the table below.
Upload Electronic Holdings Section Parameter Description Select Active to make this an active profile. The default setting is Inactive.
Enable Books Integration Books Institution Token ID
Depending on your subscriptions with Sage, select the books and/or journals integrations checkboxes. Each of those requires a separate token. If you obtained a token for the Books integration, mark ‘Enable Books Integration’ and enter the token in the ‘Books Institution Token ID’ field. Enable Journals Integration Journals Institution Token ID
Depending on your subscriptions with Sage, select the books and/or journals integrations checkboxes. Each of those requires a separate token. If you obtained a token for the Journals integration, mark ‘Enable Journals Integration’ and enter the token in the ‘Journals Institution Token ID ’ field. File format Select the KBART file format. Group
Use this parameter to select one or more groups from the list of multi-campus options in the drop-down list. This parameter is optional, so you may also choose to leave it blank.
The Group parameter appears when you have the multi_campus_inventory_management customer parameter set to true.
With the multi_campus_inventory_management customer parameter set to true, you can have multiple Sage integration profiles. When you have obtained multiple Sage token IDs from Sage you may want to create multiple integration profiles using that identification information.
When you have more than one active Sage integration profile with one or more multi-campus selections made for the Group parameter, any additional active Sage integration profiles must have one or more multi-campus selections made. In this situation, the Group parameter may no longer be left blank.
When the Sage integration profile job is run and multi-campus group information is configured, the multi-campus group information appears in the job report.
Select the scheduling option that you prefer to have the integration profile job run automatically.
When you have the multi_campus_inventory_management customer parameter set to true, and multiple Sage integration profiles, the first scheduling option that you select and save applies to all the subsequent, active Sage integration profiles that you create.
When the scheduled job begins to run, all of the Sage integration profiles that are set to Active are handled together by the job run. Any Sage integration profiles set to Inactive are not handled as part of the scheduled job run.
Save the profile using one of the following options:
- Select Save. The integration profile is scheduled and appears in the list of scheduled jobs (see Viewing All Scheduled Jobs).
- Select Save and Run Now. This saves your profile settings and immediately queues the upload to run. The Save button also appears on the Actions tab when you edit the profile. Note that when you edit your saved profile, the button appears as Run Now, and you can select to manually run the upload job.
Activating the Sage Electronic Collections from the Alma Community Zone
- Sage Monographs - AutoHoldings: Collection ID = 614920000000005760 (For the books integration)
- Sage Journals - AutoHoldings: Collection ID= 614920000000005987 (For the journals integration)
Search Alma to locate those electronic collections in the Community Zone and activate them prior to running the Sage integration profile.
Included Content
The Sage Auto-Holdings Integration currently covers 96% of all Sage content, including Free Access content. However, certain collections, such as Open Access Journals and some monograph collections, are not yet included in the integration. These still require manual maintenance. Detailed information is provided below:
Sage Journals Auto-Holdings Collection
The Sage Journals - AutoHoldings Collection includes the entire Sage serial content, except for Open Access (OA) journals. All OA journals are available in the following Alma Community Zone collection:
- Sage Journals GOLD Open Access. Collection ID: 613890000000000127
Sage Monographs Auto-Holdings Collection
The Sage Monographs - AutoHoldings collection includes Books, Reference, Navigator, Business Cases, Cases, Videos, Skills, Foundations, Podcasts, Tools Directory, Chart, Expert Insights, Project Planners, Cases, How To Guides, Datasets, and so forth.
This collection combines content from the following Alma Community Zone collections:
- Sage Knowledge (CZ ID: 613790000000000598)
- Sage Research Methods (CZ ID: 613230000000000028)
Excluded Content:
Sage Campus
CQ Press (except for CQPress Books)
CQ Researcher
Sage Data
To access content not included in the Sage Monographs Auto-Holdings Collection, please refer to the respective Alma Community Zone collections for these products.
For a complete list of Sage Community Zone collections NOT included in AutoHoldings integration, click here.
Obtaining Token ID from Sage
To obtain your token ID, please follow the instructions provided in How do I implement KBART Automation?
If you don’t have a Secure Center account and/or credentials, please reach out to your Sage Account Support representative or libsupport@sagepub.com.
Preserving Previous Sage Acquisition Details
Create a set of the content type electronic collections that includes the previous collections in which you managed the Sage titles.
Open the Run a Job - Select Job to Run page (Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Run a Job), and search for the Move electronic portfolio information job.
Select the Move electronic portfolio information job and select Next.
Select the set that you created above and select Next.
For the Target electronic collection, select the relevant Sage collection.
Select the Move PO lines and Move licenses options and complete the required information as needed.
Select Next and review/confirm the job summary information.
- Select Submit.