Configuring Fulfillment Information in the Network Zone
To configure fulfillment information in the Network Zone, you must have the relevant role for configuring the table.
You can manage entries for the following resource sharing tables in the Network Zone. These entries are then distributed to all member institutions by the Distribute Central Resource Sharing Configuration job.
- Resource Sharing Partners - See Resource Sharing Partners
- Rota Templates - See Configuring Rota Templates
- Workflow Profiles - See Configuring Workflow Profiles
- Rota Assignment Rules - Configuring Rota Assignment Rules
- Locate Profiles - See Configuring Locate Profiles
- Sending Borrowing Request Rules - See Configuring Sending Borrowing Request Rules
In addition, you can manage and distribute the following from the Network Zone to member institutions using the Distribute network fulfillment changes to members job. To configure this job, see Configuring Fulfillment Jobs.
- Item Policies - See Configuring Item Policies
- Terms of Use - See Configuring Terms of Use
- Discovery Interface Display Logic Rules - See Discovery Interface Display Logic. The deactivation and deletion of institution rules at distribution time is controlled by the network_display_logic_distribution_members_behavior parameter. The Network Zone can also check the network_display_logic_rules_precedence parameter to determine which rules take precedence - the institution's or the network's. The parameter controls the execution order in which rules are run (NZ/IZ), not which rules are taking effect and which are not. When the parameter is set to false, the IZ rules are calculated first, but the NZ rules are still run afterwards. For more information on both parameters, see Configuring Other Settings.
If a display logic rule is distributed from a Network Zone with a user group that doesn't exist in the member institution, the user group will be null in the rule. The rule will then affect only users with no user group.
- Fulfillment Units - See Configuring Fulfillment Units
- General Electronic Services - See Configuring General Electronic Services. When the general electronic service has been distributed, the local list will show either the distributed records only or both the distributed records and the previous local general electronic service records, depending on the configuration in the customer parameter, network_ges_distribution_members_behavior. This parameter controls what is done with the members' records when the Network Zone's records are distributed. Valid values are: Remove, Deactivate, and None. Remove will remove all the local records. Deactivate will retain the local records but deactivate them. None leaves all previously existing records exactly as they were before the distribution.
If a service is distributed from the Network Zone with the same name as a service already in the member institution, both services will exist. If a display logic rule exists to hide the original service, both services will be hidden.
Other fulfillment tables can also be managed in the Network Zone; see Centrally Managing Configurations in a Network Zone.
Shared entries are noted with a green checkmark on the relevant table or have the scope Network. You can use the entries as is on your local institution. Where relevant, you can select Duplicate from the row actions list in the local entry on the relevant page to create a local copy of the entry and change it according to your requirements.
You can run these jobs by selecting Fulfillment > Advanced Tools > Distribute Resource Sharing Network Configuration and Fulfillment > Advanced Tools > Distribute Fulfillment Network Configuration. Select Confirm in the confirmation dialog box. (After the Distribute network fulfillment changes to members job runs, the distribute_fulfill_changes_last_run parameter is set to the run date and time. The next time the job runs, it only distributes changes that were made after this time. See Configuring Fulfillment Jobs.)
You can enable the owning institution to view the operator's name from other institution in the network by enabling the fulfillment_network_shared_operator_name option (see Configuring Fulfillment Jobs). This is turned off by default.