MARC 21 Search Indexes
The tables in the following sections identify the mapping of MARC 21 tags to search indexes:
- MARC 21 Bibliographic All Titles Search
- MARC 21 Authority Search Index Mapping
- MARC 21 Keyword Search Indexes
- MARC 21 Holdings Tags and Mapped Search Indexes
To access the search index information for the other metadata standards, see Search Indexes.
Latest MARC 21 Updates
The latest Library of Congress MARC 21 updates added to Alma are these:
- Update No. 37, December 2023
- MARC21 Holdings
- Update No. 37, December 2023
- MARC21 Authorities
- Update No. 37, December 2023
For details,
MARC 21 Bibliographic All Titles Search
Tag | Search Index |
Based on LDR 6-7
For more information on how Material Type is determined, see Material Types in Search Results. |
Material Type |
Based on LDR 06, LDR 07 and 008 or dc:type or dcterms: type fields
For more information on how Resource Type is determined, see The Resource Type Field. Results. |
Resource Type |
0 In the following fields of the bibliographic record: 100, 110, 111, 130, 600, 610, 611, 630, 700, 710, 711, 730, 800, 810, 811, 830, 648, 650, 654, 651, 655, 751, 754, 245, 440, 490, 382, 050, 060, 070, 090, 091, 092, 093, 094, 095, 096, 097, 098, 099, 052, 055, 080, 082, 083, 084, 085, 086 |
Authority ID |
001 (MMS ID) | MMS ID |
004 | Source Record ID |
007 | Physical Description |
008 06 | Date Type Status |
008 021 | Granular Resource Type |
008 07-10 | Publication Year |
008 07-10 | Additional Publication Year |
008 11-14 | Additional Publication Year |
008 15-17 | Country of Publication |
008 35-37 | Language |
009 | Local Control Field 009 |
010 a,z | LC Control Number |
010 a,b,z | Standard Number |
015 a,z,2 | National Bibliography Number |
015 a,z | Standard Number |
016 a,z | Standard Number |
017 a,z | Standard Number |
019 | OCLC Control Number (019) |
019 a | Other System Number |
020 a,z |
020 a,z | Standard Number |
022 a,l,m,y,z | Standard Number |
022 a,e,y,z |
022 l m | ISSN Link |
024 a (if $2 contains doi) | DOI (Digital Object Identifier) |
024 a,z | ISMN (International Standard Music Number) - Standard Number |
024 a,z (if indicator 2 = 2) | Other Standard ID |
024_8 | Other Standard ID |
026 $2 | Standard Number |
027 a,z | Standard Number |
028 a | Publisher Number |
028 a | Standard Number |
030 a,z | Standard Number |
031 d,t | Title |
033 | Event Date |
034 b,d,e,f,g,j,k,m,n,p,r,s,t,x,y,z | Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data |
035 a | Other System Number (035a) |
Other System Number (035a) Exact | |
OCLC Control Number (035a) | |
035 z | Other System Number (035z) |
OCLC Control Number (035z) | |
035 a,z | Other System Number (035a+z) |
OCLC Control Number (035a+z) | |
035 a,z,9 | Other System Number |
037 a | Standard Number |
040 a | Original Cataloging Agency |
040 b |
Language of Cataloging |
041 a,b,d,e,f,g,j | Language |
043 a,b,c | Geographic Area Code |
044 a,c | Country of Publication |
Country of Publication (Code) | |
050 a,b | LC Call Number |
055 a,b (if indicator 2 = 0-5) | LC Call Number |
060 a,b | NLM-type Call Number |
070 | National Agricultural Library (NAL) Call Number |
072 a | Subject Category Code |
074 a,z | Government Document Number |
079 a,z | Other System Number |
080 a,b | Universal Decimal Class Number |
082 a,b | Dewey Decimal Class Number |
084 a,b | Other Classification Number |
086 a,z | Government Document Number |
088 a,z | Standard Number |
09x | Local Call Numbers |
090 a,b | LC Call Number |
092 a,b | Dewey Decimal Class Number |
060 a,b 096 a,z |
NLM-type Call Number |
100 a-d,g,j,q,u | Name |
100 a-d,j,q,u | Creator |
100 e,4 | Relator |
110 a-e,g,n,u | Name |
110 a-e,n,u g | Creator |
111 a,c,d,e,g,n,q,u | Name |
111 a,c-e,n,q,u g | Creator |
130 a,d,f,g,k-p,r-t | Uniform Title |
130 a,d,g,k,l,m-p,r-t | Title |
2 when the second indicator is 7 In the following fields of the bibliographic record: 100, 110, 111, 130, 600, 610, 611, 630, 700, 710, 711, 730, 800, 810, 811, 830, 648, 650, 654, 651, 655, 751, 754, 245, 440, 490, 382, 050, 060, 070, 090, 091, 092, 093, 094, 095, 096, 097, 098, 099, 052, 055, 080, 082, 083, 084, 085, 086 |
Authority Vocabulary |
210 a | Title |
214 a | Title |
222 a,b | Serial Title |
222 a,b | Title |
240 a,d,f,g,k-p,r,s | Title |
240 a,d,f,g,k-p,r,s | Uniform Title |
242 a,b,n,p | Title |
243 a,d,f,g,k,l-p,r,s | Title |
243 a,d,f,g,k-p,r,s | Uniform Title |
245 a,b,f,k,n,p | Title |
245 c | Names |
245 h | Medium Type |
246 a,b,n,p | Title |
247 a,b,n,p | Title |
(concatenated with the 245 in the following manner for search results and browse bibliographic headings: 245 data; 249 $a / 249 $v : 249 $b / 249 $c) |
Title |
(concatenated with the 245 in the following manner for search results and browse bibliographic headings: 245 data; 249 $a / 249 $v : 249 $b / 249 $c) |
Names |
250 a,b | Edition |
255 a,b,c,d,e,f,g | Cartographic Mathematical Data |
260 a,e | Publisher Location |
260 b,f |
(For display and export of publisher information, 260 $b has a higher priority over 264 $b; and 502 $a,$c has the lowest priority.)
260 c |
Publication Year (if 008 pos. 07-10 is empty)
Additional Publication Year
260 g | Additional Publication Year |
261 a,b,e | Publisher |
261 f | Publisher Location |
262 a | Publisher Location |
262 b | Publisher |
264 a | Publisher Location |
264 b |
(For display and export of publisher information, 260 $b has a higher priority over 264 $b; and 502 $a,$c has the lowest priority.)
264 c |
Publication Year (if 008 pos. 7-10 is empty AND 260 subfield c does not exist)
Additional Publication Year
300 b | Other Physical Details |
300 e | Accompanying Material |
336 a | Content Type Term |
336 b | Content Type Code |
337 a | Media Type Term |
337 b | Media Type Code |
338 a | Carrier Type Term |
338 b | Carrier Type Code |
348 a | Format of Notated Music |
380 a |
Form and Type |
382 a,b,d,e,n,p,r,s,t,v | Medium of Performance |
385 a |
Audience |
386 a | Creator/ contributor term |
400 a-d,g | Name |
400 a-d,g,k,p,n,t,v,x | Series |
400 a,k,n,p,t | Title |
410 a-d,g | Name |
410 a-d,g,k,p,n,t,v,x | Series |
410 a,k,n,p,t | Title |
411 a,c,d,e,q,k,n,p,t,v,x | Series |
411 a,c-e,g,q | Name |
411 a,k,n,p,t | Title |
440 a,n,p | Title |
440 a,n,p,v,x | Series |
490 a | Title |
490 a,v,x | Series |
490 x | Standard Number |
500 a,3,5,6,8 | Public Note |
501 a | Notes |
502 a-d,g,o |
(For display and export of publisher information, 260 $b has a higher priority over 264 $b; and 502 $a,$c has the lowest priority.)
502 c |
(For display and export of publisher information, 260 $b has a higher priority over 264 $b; and 502 $a,$c has the lowest priority.)
504 a | Notes |
505 a,g,r,t | Description |
505 r | Name |
505 t | Title |
506 f,2 | Open Access |
508 a | Name |
508 a | Notes |
510 a,c | Notes |
511 a | Name |
511 a | Notes |
518 strip numeric subfields | Notes |
520 a,b | Description |
521 a | Notes |
522 a | Notes |
526 a | Notes |
530 a | Additional Physical Form Available Note |
533 a-f,n | Notes |
533 b | Publisher Location |
533 c | Publisher |
533 f | Series |
534 a-c,e-f,k-p,t | Notes |
534 f | Series |
534 o,x,z | Standard Number |
536 a-h | Notes |
538 a | Notes |
541 a,c,d,e | Notes |
542 g,j,l,n,r | Copyright Note |
545 a,b | Notes |
546 a,b | Notes |
550 a | Name |
550 a | Notes |
561 a | Notes |
562 a,b,c,d,e | Notes |
563 a | Notes |
580 a | Content Related Data |
586 a | Notes |
588 a | Source of Description Note
Contains AI generated Metadata in the record. |
59x | Local Notes |
600 a-d,f,g,j-v,x-z | Subjects (LC) |
600 a-d,f,g,j-v,x-z | Subjects |
600 a-d,g,j,q,u | Name |
600 e | Relator |
600 v | Genre Form |
610 a-e,g,u | Name |
610 a-g,j-v,x-z | Subjects |
610 a-g,j,l-v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) | Subjects (LC) |
610 e | Relator |
610 v | Genre Form |
611 a,c-e,g,n,q,u | Name |
611 a,c-g,j-l,n,p,q,s-v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) | Subjects (LC) |
611 a,c-g,j-l,n,p,q,s-v,x-z | Subjects |
611 v | Genre Form |
630 a,d,e-g,k-p,r-t | Title |
630 a,d,e-g,k-p,r-t | Uniform Title |
630 a,d,e-g,k-p,r-t,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) | Subjects (LC) |
630 a,d,e-g,k-p,r-t,v,x-z | Subjects |
630 v | Genre Form |
647 v | Genre Form |
647 a,c,d,g,v,x-z | lcsh |
647 a,c,d,g | Names |
647 a,c,d,g,v,x-z | Subjects |
648 a,v,x-z | Subjects |
648 v | Genre Form |
650 a-e,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) | Subjects (LC) |
650 a-e,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 2) | Medical Subjects |
650 a-e,v,x-z | Subjects |
650 v | Genre Form |
651 a,e,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) | Subjects (LC) and Names (LC) |
651 a,e,v,x-z | Subjects |
651 v | Genre Form |
653 a | Subjects |
653 a (if indicator 2 = 6) | Genre Form |
653 a if 2nd indicator =1-5 | Name |
654 a-c,e,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) | Subjects (LC) |
654 a-c,e,v,x-z | Subjects |
654 v | Genre Form |
655 a,b,c,v,x-z | Genre Form |
655 a-c,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) | Subjects (LC) |
655 a-c,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 2) | Medical Subjects |
655 a-c,v,x-z | Subjects |
658 a |
Index Term - Curriculum Objective |
689 (requires contacting Support for re-indexing for non-German customers) |
Names, if subfield D = p,n,b,g or f
Title, if subfield D=u
69x | Local Subjects |
690 a-e,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) | Subjects (LC) |
690 a-e,v,x-z, 2 | Subjects |
690 v | Genre Form |
691 a,e,v,x-z, 2 | Subjects (LC), Subjects |
691 v | Genre Form |
696 a-d,f,g,j-v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) | Subjects (LC) |
696 a-g,j-v,x-z | Name |
696 a-d,f,g,j-v,x-z | Subjects |
696 v | Genre Form |
697 a-g,j-v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) | Subjects (LC) |
697 a-g,j-v,x-z | Name |
697 a-g,j-v,x-z | Subjects |
697 v | Genre Form |
698 a,c-g,j-l,n,p,q,s-v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) | Subjects (LC) |
698 a,c-g,j-l,n,p,q,s-v,x-z | Name |
698 a,c-g,j-l,n,p,q,s-v,x-z | Subjects |
698 v | Genre Form |
699 a,d,e-g,k-p,r-t | Uniform Title |
699 a,d,e-g,k-p,r-t,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) | Subjects (LC) |
699 a,d,e-g,k-p,r-t,v,x-z | Name |
699 a,d,e-g,k-p,r-t,v,x-z | Subjects |
699 v | Genre Form |
700 a-e,j,q,u, g | Creator |
700 a-e,j,q,u, g | Name |
700 e | Relator |
700 f,k,l-p,r-t | Title |
700 x | Standard Number |
710 a-e,i,n,u, g | Creator |
710 a-e,i,n,u, g | Name |
710 e | Relator |
710 f,k,l-p,r-t | Title |
710 x | Standard Number |
711 a,c,d,e,i,j,n,q,u, g | Name, Creator |
711 f,k,l,p,s,t | Title |
711 x | Standard Number |
720 a | Name |
730 a,d,f,g,i,k-p,r-t | Uniform Title |
730 a,d,f,i,k-p,r-t | Title |
730 x | Standard Number |
740 a,n,p | Title |
751 a,e, g | Name |
752 a-g | Publisher Location |
752 a-h | Name |
753 a,b,c | Notes |
754 a,c,d,x,z | Name |
760 a,c,s,t,x | Series |
760 x,y | Standard Number |
762 a,c,s,t,x | Series |
762 x,y | Standard Number |
765 u,x-z | Standard Number |
766 u,x-z | Standard Number |
770 u,x-z | Standard Number |
770 s,t | Title |
772 t | Title |
773 t | Content Related Data |
773 u,x-z | Standard Number |
773 p,s,t | Title |
773 w | Other System Number |
774 a | Name |
774 s,t | Title |
774 u,x-z | Standard Number |
774 w | Other System Number |
775 u,x,y,z | Standard Number |
775 w | Other System Number |
775 x | ISSN |
775 z | ISBN |
776 u,x-z | Standard Number |
776 s,t | Title |
776 x | ISSN |
776 z (Note that the search index retrieves all versions of the ISBN - ISBN10 and ISBN13) |
777 w | Other System Number |
777 x | ISSN |
780 a,s,t | Title |
780 u,x-z | Standard Number |
785 a,s,t | Title |
785 u,x-z | Standard Number |
786 w | Other System Number |
786 x |
786 z (Note that the search index retrieves all versions of the ISBN - ISBN10 and ISBN13) |
787 s,t | Title |
787 u,x-z | Standard Number |
800 a-d,g,j,q,u | Name |
800 a-f,j-v,x | Series |
800 f,k-p,r-t | Title |
800 x | Standard Number |
800 w | Other System Number |
810 a-e,g,n,u | Name |
810 a-g,k-p,r-t,v,x | Series |
810 f,k-p,r-t | Title |
810 x | Standard Number |
810 w | Other System Number |
811 a,c,d,e,g,j,n,q,u | Name |
811 a,c-g,j-n,p-q,s-v,x | Series |
811 f,k-n,p,s-t | Title |
811 x | Standard Number |
811 w | Other System Number |
830 a,d,f-g,k-p,r-t,v,x | Series |
830 a,d,f-g,k-p,r-t,v | Title |
830 a,d,f-g,k-p,r-t,v | Uniform Title |
830 x | Standard Number |
852 b | Sublocation |
852 c | Shelving Location |
852 h | Classification Part |
856 u,z | Electronic location and note |
880 (when has $6490/$6505/$6740/$6830) | Title |
880 a (where the 880 field is linked to a 348 field) | Format of Notated Music |
880 a,b,d,e,n,p,r,s,t,v (where the 880 field is linked to a 382 field) | Medium of Performance |
880 g (where the 880 field is linked to a 110 or 111 or 700 or 710 or 711 field) | Creator |
880 g (where the 880 field is linked to a 700 or 710 or 711 or 751 field) | Names |
880 2 (where the 880 field is linked to a 690 or 691 field) | Subjects |
Subfield $0 in the fields below is mapped to this index:
050, 052, 055, 060, 070, 080, 084, 085, 086 |
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) |
Subfield $0 in the fields below is mapped to this index:
050, 052, 055, 060, 070, 080, 084, 085, 086 |
ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) |
Search Index to MARC 21 Bibliographic Tag Mapping
Search Index | Tag |
Title |
031 d,t 400 a,k,n,p,t |
Uniform title | 130 a,d,f,g,k-p,r-t 240 a,d,f,g,k-p,r,s 243 a,d,f,g,k-p,r,s 630 a,d,e-g,k-p,r-t 699 a,d,e-g,k-p,r-t 730 a,d,f,g,i,k-p,r-t 830 a,d,f-g,k-p,r-t,v |
Serial Title | 222 a,b |
Creator |
100 a-d,j,q,u 800 g (where the 880 field is linked to a 110 or 111 or 700 or 710 or 711 field) |
Names |
100 a-d,g,j,q,u 400 a-d,g 647 a,c,d,g 880 g (where the 880 field is linked to a 700 or 710 or 711 or 751 field) |
Subjects |
600 a-d,f,g,j-v,x-z 647 a,c,d,g,v,x-z 691 2 880 2 (where the 880 field is linked to a 690 or 691 field) |
Subjects (LC) | 600 a-d,f,g,j-v,x-z 610 a-g,j,l-v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) 611 a,c-g,j-l,n,p,q,s-v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) 630 a,d,e-g,k-p,r-t,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) 650 a-e,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) 651 a,e,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) 654 a-c,e,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) 655 a-c,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) 690 a-e,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) 691 a,e,v,x-z 696 a-d,f,g,j-v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) 697 a-g,j-v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) 698 a,c-g,j-l,n,p,q,s-v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) 699 a,d,e-g,k-p,r-t,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 0) |
Medical Subjects (MeSH) | 650 a-e,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 2) 655 a-c,v,x-z (if indicator 2 = 2) |
Subject Category Code | 072 a |
Source of Description Note | 588 a
Contains AI generated Metadata in the record. |
Series | 400 a-d,g,k,p,n,t,v,x 410 a-d,g,k,p,n,t,v,x 411 a,c,d,e,q,k,n,p,t,v,x 440 a,n,p,v,x 490 a,v,x 533 f 534 f 760 a,c,s,t,x 762 a,c,s,t,x 800 a-f,j-v,x 810 a-g,k-p,r-t,v,x 811 a,c-g,j-n,p-q,s-v,x 830 a,d,f-g,k-p,r-t,v,x |
Publisher | 260 b,f 261 a,b,e 262 b 264 b 502 c 533 c |
LC Call Number | 050 a,b 055 a,b (if indicator 2 = 0-5) 090 a,b |
Dewey Decimal Class Number | 082 a,b 092 a,b |
UDC | 080 a,b |
Other Classification Number | 084 a,b |
Additional Publication Year | 008 07-10 008 11-14 260 c 260 g 264 c |
Publication Year | 008 07-10 260 c (if 008 pos. 07-10 is empty) 264 c (if 008 pos. 07-10 is empty AND 260 c is empty) |
Language | 008 35-37 041 a,b,d,e,f,g,j |
Collection | Obtains all titles that are assigned to a given collection ID. Handles all formats (MARC, DC, etc.) |
LC Control Number | 010 a,z |
020 a,z 775 x |
022 a,e,y,z 775 z |
ISSN link | 022 l m |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) | 024 a (if $2 contains doi) |
Other Standard ID | 024 a,z if 2nd indicator = 2 024_8 |
Government Document Number | 074 a,z 086 a,z |
National Library of Medicine (NLM) Type Call Number | 096 a,z |
National bibliography number | 015 a,z,2 |
Publisher number | 028 a |
Standard number |
010 a,b,z 017 a,z 026 $2 |
Standard Number Source | 015 $$2
016 $$2 022 $$2 024 $$2 |
Other System Number
019 a,z
035 a,z
774 w
773 w
775 w
777 w
786 w
800 w
810 w
811 w
Copyright Note | 542 g,j,l,n,r |
Notes |
501 a
502 a-d,g,o 504 a 508 a
510 a,c 511 a 518 strip numeric subfields 521 a 522 a 526 a 533 a-f,n 534 a-c,e-f,k-p,t 536 a-h 538 a 541 a,c,d,e 545 a,b 546 a,b
550 a 550 a 561 a 562 a,b,c,d,e
563 a
586 a
753 a,b,c
Local notes | 59x |
Description | 505 a,g,r,t 520 a,b |
MMS ID | 001 (MMS ID) |
Bibliographic format | LDR Position 6 |
Bibliographic level | LDR Position 7 |
Date type status | 008 |
Edition | 250 a,b |
Has inventory | Obtains titles with at least one inventory item from the following resource types: physical holdings, electronic portfolio/collection, digital representation |
MMS SIP ID (a number for a transitory set of records affected by a job) | The bulk ID of the record in the last metadata import |
Physical description | 007 |
Public note | 500 a,3,5,6,8 |
Open Access | 506 f,2 |
Is linked | If defined as Yes, locate bibliographic records that are linked to the Community Zone or Network Zone. If defined as No, locate bibliographic records that are not linked to the Community Zone or Network Zone. |
Country of Publication Country of Publication (Code) |
008 15-17 044 a,c |
Genre Form |
600 v 647 V |
Publisher Location | 260 a,e 261 f 262 a 264 a 533 b 752 a-g |
Material Type |
Medium Type | 245 h |
Original Cataloging Agency | 040 a |
Language of cataloging |
040 b |
Originating System ID | The ID of the originating system (such as WorldCat or Library of Congress) |
Originating System | The originating system (such as WorldCat or Library of Congress) |
Tag Suppressed | Suppressed from discovery |
Tag Sync External Catalog | The bibliographic management tag for publishing to OCLC |
Tag Sync National Catalog | The bibliographic management tag for publishing to Libraries Australia |
Electronic location and note | 856 u,z |
Event Date | 033 |
Other Standard Identifier | 024 8,a |
Source Record ID | 004 |
Additional Physical Form Available Note | 530 a |
Carrier type code | 338 b |
Carrier type term | 338 a |
Classification Part | 852 h |
Content type code | 336 b |
Content type term | 336 a |
Geographic Area Code | 043 a,b,c |
MMS creation date | The creation date of the record in Alma. The MMS creation date is saved and indexed in GMT, not in local time, thus you might see slightly different search results from what you expect. |
Media type code | 337 b |
Media type term | 337 a |
Relator | 100 e,4 600 e 610 e 700 e 710 e |
Shelving Location | 852 c |
Sublocation | 852 b |
Local call numbers | 09X |
Local subjects | 69X |
Granular Resource Type | 008 021 |
Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data | 034 b,d,e,f,g,j,k,m,n,p,r,s,t,x,y,z |
Cartographic Mathematical Data | 255 a,b,c,d,e,f,g |
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) | Various fields, especially 1XX, 6XX, and 7XX, in $0, containing the string ORCID |
ORCID - Real World Object URI | Various fields, especially 1XX, 6XX, and 7XX, in $1, containing the string ORCID |
ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) | Various fields, especially 1XX, 6XX, and 7XX, in $0, containing the string ISNI |
ISNI - Real World Object URI | Various fields, especially 1XX, 6XX, and 7XX, in $1, containing the string ISNI |
Real World Object URI | Various fields, especially 1XX, 6XX, and 7XX, in $1 |
Authority ID | 0 In the following fields of the bibliographic record: 100, 110, 111, 130, 600, 610, 611, 630, 700, 710, 711, 730, 800, 810, 811, 830, 648, 650, 654, 651, 655, 751, 754, 245, 440, 490, 382, 050, 060, 070, 090, 091, 092, 093, 094, 095, 096, 097, 098, 099, 052, 055, 080, 082, 083, 084, 085, 086 |
Authority Vocabulary | 2 when the second indicator is 7 In the following fields of the bibliographic record: 100, 110, 111, 130, 600, 610, 611, 630, 700, 710, 711, 730, 800, 810, 811, 830, 648, 650, 654, 651, 655, 751, 754, 245, 440, 490, 382, 050, 060, 070, 090, 091, 092, 093, 094, 095, 096, 097, 098, 099, 052, 055, 080, 082, 083, 084, 085, 086 |
Other Physical Details | 300 b |
Accompanying Material | 300 e |
Record format | The format of the record in Alma |
Local Control Field 009 | 009 |
Modification Date | The modification date of the record in Alma (not mapped to a MARC field) |
Audience | 385 a |
Creator/ contributor term | 386 a |
Index Term - Curriculum Objective | 658 a |
Format Type | 380 a |
Format for Notated Music | 348 a
880 a (where the 880 field is linked to a 348 field)
Medium of Performance | 382 a,b,d,e,n,p,r,s,t,v
880 a,b,d,e,n,p,r,s,t,v (where the 880 field is linked to a 382 field)
lsch | 647 a,c,d,g,v,x-z |
MARC 21 Authority Search Index Mapping
The following table identifies the MARC 21 authority tags and the search indexes to which they are mapped that are available when performing an authority search.
Tag | Search Index |
024 a,z | Other Standard Identifier |
035 a,z
Other System Number
040 a
Original Cataloging Agency
040 d |
Modifying Agency |
040 e,f
Cataloging Conventions
043 c
Geographic Area Code
065 a
072 a |
Subject Category Code |
083 a
100 a-d,q, g ,v,x,y,z | Names, Personal Names |
100 a-d,f,k-t ,v,x,y,z | Name Title |
100 t,v,x,y,z | Uniform Title |
110 a-d,n, g,v,x,y,z | Names, Corporate Names |
110 a-d,f,k-t,v,x,y,z | Name Title |
111 a,c,d,n,q, g,v,x,y,z | Names, Meeting Name |
111 a-d,f,k-t,v,x,y,z | Name Title |
130 a,d,f,k-t, g,v,x,y,z | Uniform Title |
147 a,c-d,g,v,x-z,6,8 |
Preferred Name Event |
148 a,v,x,y,z | Subject |
150 a,b,v,x,y,z | Subject |
151 a,v,x,y,z | Subject |
151 a,g,x,z
Geographical Name
155 a,v,x,y,z | Subject |
162 a,b | Subject |
180 v,x,y,z | Subject |
181 v,x,y,z | Subject |
182 v,x,y,z | Subject |
185 v,x,y,z | Subject |
368 abcd |
Attributes of Person or Corporate |
370 abcef |
Geographical Name, Associated Place |
372 a |
Field of Activity |
373 a |
Corporate Name, Associated Group |
374 a |
Subject, Occupation |
377 a
Language Code
400 a-d,q, g ,v,x,y,z | Names, Personal Names |
400 a-d,f,k-t ,v,x,y,z | Name Title |
410 a-d,n, g,v,x,y,z | Names, Corporate Name |
410 a-d,f,k-t,v,x,y,z | Name Title |
411 a,c,d,n,q, g,v,x,y,z | Names, Meeting Name |
411 a-d,f,k-t,v,x,y,z | Name Title |
430 a,d,f,k-t, g,v,x,y,z | Names, Uniform Title |
447 a,c-d,g,i,v-z,4-6,8 |
See Name Event |
448 a,v,x,y,z | See Subjects |
450 a,b,v,x,y,z | See Subjects |
451 a,v,x,y,z | See Subjects |
451 a,g,x,z
Geographical Name |
455 a,v,x,y,z | See Subjects |
462 a,b | See Subjects |
480 v,x,y,z | See Subjects |
481 v,x,y,z | See Subjects |
482 v,x,y,z | See Subjects |
485 v,x,y,z | See Subjects |
500 a-d,q, g ,v,x,y,z | Names, Personal Names, Related Personal Name |
500 a-d,f,k-t ,v,x,y,z | Name Title |
510 a-d,n, g,v,x,y,z | Names, Corporate Name, Related Corporate Name |
510 a-d,f,k-t,v,x,y,z | Name Title |
511 a,c,d,n,q, g,v,x,y,z | Names, Meeting Name, Related Meeting Name |
511 a-d,f,k-t,v,x,y,z | Name Title |
530 a,d,f,k-t, g,v,x,y,z | Names, Uniform Title, Related Uniform Title |
547 a,c-d,g,i,v-z,0-1,4-6,8 |
See Also Name Event |
548 a,4
Related Chronological Term
548 a,v,x,y,z | See Also Subjects |
550 a,b,v,x,y,z | See Also Subjects |
550 a,g,x,4
Related Topical Term
551 a,g,x,z,4
Related Geographical Name
551 a,v,x,y,z | See Also Subjects |
555 a,v,x,y,z | See Also Subjects |
562 a,b | See Also Subjects |
580 v,x,y,z | See Also Subjects |
581 v,x,y,z | See Also Subjects |
582 v,x,y,z | See Also Subjects |
585 v,x,y,z | See Also Subjects |
667 a
670 a,b,u
672 a,b,f | Notes |
677 a | Notes |
678 a,b | Notes |
680 a,i | Notes |
681 a,i | Notes |
682 a,i | Notes |
688 a | Notes |
700 a-d,g,q | Names, Personal Names |
710 a-v,x-z,0,5 | Names, Corporate Name |
711 a,c,d,g,n,q | Names, Meeting Name |
730 a,d,f,g,k-t | Uniform Title |
750 a,g,x,4 | Subject, Related Topical Term |
751 a,g,x,z,4 | Subject |
885 a | Matching Method |
885 b | Matching Status |
885 c | Matching Confidence Level |
885 0 | Matching ID |
885 z | Matching Information Public Note |
originating_system_id | Originating System ID |
Search Index to MARC 21 Authority Tag Mapping
Search Index | Tag |
Attributes of Person or Corporate |
386 a,b,c,d |
Cataloging Conventions
040 e,f
Original Cataloging Agency
040 a
065 a
083 a
Corporate Name |
110 a-d,n, g,v,x,y,z 710 a-v,x-z,0,5 |
Corporate Name, Associated Group |
373 a |
Field of Activity |
372 a |
Geographic Area Code
043 c
Geographical Name
151 a,g,x,z
451 a,g,x,z
Geographical Name, Associated Place |
370 abcef |
Language Code
377 a
Matching Method | 885 a |
Matching Status | 885 b |
Matching Confidence Level | 885 c |
Matching ID | 885 0 |
Matching Information Public Note | 885 z |
Meeting Name |
111 a,c,d,n,q, g,v,x,y,z 711 a,c,d,g,n,q |
MMS Creation Date | The creation date of the Alma record |
Modification Date | The modification date of the record in Alma (not mapped to a MARC field) |
Modifying Agency |
040 d |
Name Title | 100 a-d,f,k-t ,v,x,y,z 110 a-d,f,k-t,v,x,y,z 111 a-d,f,k-t,v,x,y,z 400 a-d,f,k-t ,v,x,y,z 410 a-d,f,k-t,v,x,y,z 411 a-d,f,k-t,v,x,y,z 500 a-d,f,k-t ,v,x,y,z 510 a-d,f,k-t,v,x,y,z 511 a-d,f,k-t,v,x,y,z |
Names |
100 a-d,q, g ,v,x,y,z 700 a-d,g,q 710 a-v,x-z,0,5 711 a,c,d,g,n,q |
667 a
672 a,b,f
677 a
678 a,b
680 a,i
681 a,i
682 a,i
688 a
Originating System ID | originating_system_id |
Other System Number
035 a,z
Other Standard Identifier | 024 a,z |
Personal Names |
100 a-d,q, g ,v,x,y,z 700 a-d,g,q |
Related Chronological Term
548 a,4
Related Corporate Name
510 a-d,n
Related Geographical Name
511 a,g,x,z,4
Related Meeting Name
511 a,c,d,n,q, g
Related Personal Name
500 a-d,q
Related Topical Term
550 a,g,x,4
750 a,g,x,4
Related Uniform Title
530 a,d,f,k-t, g
See Name Event | 447 a,c-d,g,i,v-z,4-6,8 |
See Subjects | 448 a,v,x,y,z 450 a,b,v,x,y,z 451 a,v,x,y,z 455 a,v,x,y,z 462 a,b 480 v,x,y,z 481 v,x,y,z 482 v,x,y,z 485 v,x,y,z |
See Also Name Event | 547 a,c-d,g,i,v-z,0-1,4-6,8 |
See Also Subjects | 548 a,v,x,y,z 550 a,b,v,x,y,z 551 a,v,x,y,z 555 a,v,x,y,z 562 a,b 580 v,x,y,z 581 v,x,y,z 582 v,x,y,z 585 v,x,y,z |
670 a,b,u
Subject |
148 a,v,x,y,z 750 a,g,x,4 751 a,g,x,z,4 |
Subject Category Code |
072 a |
Subject, Occupation |
374 a |
Uniform Title |
100 t,v,x,y,z
130 a,d,f,k-t, g,v,x,y,z
430 a,d,f,k-t, g,v,x,y,z
530 a,d,f,k-t, g,v,x,y,z
730 a,d,f,g,k-t
Preferred Name Event | 147 a,c,-d,g,v,x-z,6,8 |
MARC 21 Keyword Search Indexes
- All Titles
To determine the MARC fields searched for an All Titles search, refer to MARC 21 Bibliographic All Titles Search.
In addition, all subfields of MARC field 774 are searched when performing a keywords search.- Creator
- Description (505 a, g, r, t, and 520 a, b)
- Government Document Number
- ISBN (ISBN10 and ISBN13)
- ISMN (24 a, z)
- Subjects (LC)
- Medical Subjects (MeSH)
- Name
- National Bibliography Number
- Electronic Location
- Citation (510 a, c)
- Publisher
- Publisher Number
- Real World Object (URI)
- Real World Object URI: indexing $$1 from supporting fields
- ORCID - Real World Object URI: indexing $$1 from supporting fields that contain ORCID URI
- ISNI - Real World Object URI: indexing $$1 from supporting fields that contain ISNI URI
Subfield $1 in the fields below is mapped to the three above-mentioned indexes:- 022, 024, 033, 034, 043, 050, 052, 055, 060, 070, 080, 084, 085, 086
100, 110, 111, 130
240, 251, 257
334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 340, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 353, 370, 377, 380, 381, 382, 385, 386, 388
518, 567
600, 610, 611, 630, 647, 648, 650, 651, 654, 655, 656, 657, 662, 690, 691, 696, 697, 698, 699700, 710, 711, 730, 751, 752, 753, 754, 758, 790, 791, 792, 793, 796, 797, 798, 799
800, 810, 811, 830, 880, 883, 885, 896, 897, 898, 899
In future releases, the following fields will be added to the above-mentioned three indexes:- 361, 653, 658, 720
- Series
- Standard Number (773 x, z)
- Subjects
- Title
- Uniform Title
- Serial Title
- Date of Publication
- Edition
- Public Note
- Other System Number
- DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
- ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
- ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier)
- Physical Items
- Holding Note
- Barcode
- Item Description
- Fulfillment Note
- Internal Note 1
- Internal Note 2
- Internal Note 3
- Public Note
- Storage Location ID
- Electronic Portfolios
- Package Name
- Creator Name
- Category
- Interface ID
- Collections
- IEC Label
- IEC External System
- IEC External System ID
- Electronic Collection
- Package Name
- Digital Files
- File Label
- File Note
- Risk Library Identifiers
- File Original Name
- AR Description
- Representation Label
- Authorities
- Classification Number
- Classification Scheme
- Corporate Name
- Meeting Name
- Name Title
- Names
- Originating System
- Originating System ID
- Personal Name
- Subject
- Uniform Title
MARC 21 Holdings Tags and Mapped Search Indexes
Tag | Index |
LDR 06 | Type of record |
LDR 17 | Encoding level |
1 | Control Number (Holdings) |
008.06 | Receipt, acquisition, or access status |
008 07 | Method of acquisition |
008 12 | General retention policy |
008 16 | Completeness |
014 a | Linkage Number |
035 a | Other System Number (035a) |
OCLC Control Number (035a) | |
035 a, z | Other System Number (035a+z) |
OCLC Control Number (035a+z) | |
035 z | Other System Number (035z) |
OCLC Control Number (035z) | |
337 a | Media Type Term |
337 b | Media Type Code |
338 a | Carrier Type Term |
338 b | Carrier Type Code |
541 a,b,c,d, e | Acquisition Note |
561 a | Ownership and Custodial History |
563 a | Binding Note |
583 a | Action Note |
583 f | Action Note Authorization |
583 x,z | Action note note |
852 1st indicator | Permanent Call Number Type |
852 b | Library |
852 c | Permanent Physical Location |
852 k,h,i,j,l,m | Permanent Call Number |
852.m | Call Number Suffix |
852 x,z | Holdings Note |
853 a | Pattern 1st level of enumeration |
853 b | Pattern 2nd level of enumeration |
853 c | Pattern 3rd level of enumeration |
853 d | Pattern 4th level of enumeration |
853 e | Pattern 5th level of enumeration |
853 f | Pattern 6th level of enumeration |
853 w | Pattern frequency |
856 2 | URL method |
856 3 | URL materials specified |
856 7 | URL access status |
856 u | URL |
856 x | URL non public note |
856 y | URL link text |
863 x,z | Holdings Note |
866 a | Summary Holdings |
866 x,z | Holdings Note |
866 a 867 a 868 a |
Textual holdings |
866 x 867 x 868 x |
Textual holdings nonpublic note |
866 z 867 z 868 z |
Textual holdings public note |
depends on institution configuration | Accession Number |
HOL creation date | Creation date (physical holdings) |
HOL modification date | Modification date (physical holdings) |
Search Index to MARC 21 Holdings Tag Mapping
Index | Tag |
Accession Number | depends on institution configuration |
Acquisition Note | 541 a,b,c,d,e |
Action Note | 583 a |
Action Note Authorization | 583 f |
Action note note | 583 x,z |
Binding Note | 563 a |
Call Number Suffix | 852.m |
Carrier Type Term | 338 a |
Carrier Type Code | 338 b |
Completeness |
008/16 |
Control Number (Holdings) | 1 |
Creation date (physical holdings) | HOL creation date |
Encoding level | LDR/17 |
Fixed-Length Data Elements — General Information (NR) Example Use Case: Find all records that are in a given location that have a lending policy (position 20) of will lend and a reproduction policy (position 21) of will reproduce. |
008 |
General retention policy | 008 position 12 |
Holdings Note |
852 x,z
863 x,z 866 x,z |
Library | 852 b |
Linkage Number | 014 a |
Media Type Term | 337 a |
Media Type Code | 337 b |
Method of acquisition | 008/07 |
Modification date (physical holdings) | HOL modification date |
OCLC Control Number | 035 a, z |
Other System Number | 035 a, z |
Ownership and Custodial History | 561 a |
ISSN | 775 x |
ISBN | 775 z |
Standard Number | 775 u,x,y,z |
Pattern 1st level of enumeration | 853 a |
Pattern 2nd level of enumeration | 853 b |
Pattern 3rd level of enumeration | 853 c |
Pattern 4th level of enumeration | 853 d |
Pattern 5th level of enumeration | 853 e |
Pattern 6th level of enumeration | 853 f |
Pattern frequency | 853 w |
Permanent Call Number | 852 k,h,i,j,l,m |
Permanent Call Number Type | 852 1st indicator |
Permanent Physical Location | 852 c |
Receipt, acquisition, or access status | 008/06 |
Summary Holdings | 866 a |
Textual holdings | 866 a 867 a 868 a |
Textual holdings nonpublic note | 866 x 867 x 868 x |
Textual holdings public note | 866 z 867 z 868 z |
Type of record | LDR/06 |
URL | 856 u |
URL access status | 856 7 |
URL link text | 856 y |
URL materials specified | 856 3 |
URL method | 856 2 |
URL non public note | 856 x |
URL public note | 856 z |