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Return to Alma Roadmap Highlights Overview




Alma Acquisitions supports the full end-to-end workflows required for various types of acquisition methods from the point of order to the point of usage harvesting and analysis. 


2022 H1 2022 H2 2023
  • The first half of 2022 will be dedicated to acquisitions infrastructural improvements. This will support the release of a new and enhanced UX for PO line Workflows scheduled for the second half of 2022

2022 H2

PO Line Workflows - Enhanced UX 

What’s New Highlights Impact

The PO Line Search Screens and Task Lists  will be updated and redesigned for better usability, performance, productivity and overall user experience

To learn more regarding the expected User Experience, access this prototype and click on the designated areas on the screen. Please note this prototype has  limited functionality and its content is subject to changes.

To learn more see also our Workflow Simplification page.

  • Adjustments to the purchase order line task list will enable users to review all PO lines for all statuses on a single unified list

  •  ​PO lines in all active statuses will have the option to be assigned to a user as part of the a unified task list.

  • Easy way to browse and navigate back to PO lines which were created or edited by the user in order to review or refine the PO line.​

Help users to easily navigate from one task to the other in a more streamlined manner.

NOTE - This new functionality will be introduced during 2022 H1 to the UX focus group in order to evaluate the new design. A general release will be introduced once all testings are complete.


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Order It! -  Quick ordering within Alma and external vendor platforms 

What’s New Highlights Impact

Users will have the ability to utilize new streamlined options for creating PO lines in Alma and also external to Alma with vendor platforms that do not integrate with Alma. 

To learn more regarding the expected User Experience, access this prototype and click on the designated areas on the screen. Please note this prototype has a limited functionality and its content is subject to changes.

  • In Alma - A new minimal form will allow users to  quickly and effectively create a PO line.

  • External to Alma - New functionality for scenarios where the user orders a resource from a platform that has no automatic integration with Alma (e.g. Amazon): A browser add-on will allow for the harvesting of the metadata and will create the order automatically. The user will no longer need to access Alma in order to create the order.

Improve user efficiency with order creation.


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Search Acquisition Entities by their Notes

What’s New Highlights Impact

Ability to search Acquisition entities by their associated notes.

Additional Advanced search options for searching the content of the 'Notes' tab will be added to the following entities:

  • PO lines

  • Invoices

  • Licenses  

Users will br able to easily find PO lines, Invoices and Licenses by the content of their notes. 

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Receiving Workbench - Enhanced UX

What’s New Highlights Impact

The Receiving Workbench will be updated and redesigned for better usability, performance, productivity and overall user experience

To learn more regarding the expected User Experience, access this prototype and click on the designated areas on the screen. Please note this prototype has a limited functionality and its content is subject to changes.

  • The “Search before you work” option will save the users waiting time until the Receiving page loads​

  • A new “side by side” presentation will save the users from having to access a designated page in order to review the items list​

  • Brief item editing will let users edit specific  inventory item information without leaving the receiving workbench 

Save users from unnecessary screen loading time and navigation to/from the receiving workbench.


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EDI – Support for “Quantity for Pricing” and “Access Model”

What’s New Highlights Impact
When purchasing electronic resources, institutions will have support for sending various purchasing models to vendors. 

Institutions will be able to send the vendor, via EDI, information regarding the access needs for the ordered electronic resource: Quantity for pricing and Access model.

More accurate information regarding the order will be sent to the vendor.

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Improved Acquisitions Indexing and Searching

What’s New Highlights Impact
Acquisition searching will be enhanced with a new infrastructure and search index options.
  • Improved Indexing and searching will provide:​

    • infrastructure improvements to support more complex queries and speed up response time​

    • New PO Line attributes in the advanced search​

    • "OR" attribute while building and performing advanced search queries 

Improved overall experience and efficiencies in acquisition workflows​.

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