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    What reporting options are available related to e-inventory?

    Alma Analytics has a dedicated subject area for reporting on electronic inventory.

    Using the E-Inventory subject area, the Design Analytics user may create reports and dashboards for the E-Inventory area. The following are examples of business questions that may be answered via the E-Inventory subject area:

    • Electronic Collection List - Drill down to Portfolio list in each electronic collection
    • Number of portfolio per classification (Dewey, LC)


    Following is an example of a report of e-resource collections together with the number of portfolios (titles) in each collection:


    Usage, cost per use

    Can Alma generate reports related to usage statistics?

    See details of reports supported for COUNTER and Sushi under General >Standards > Counter and Sushi
    Analytics has a usage subject area that allows for producing reports usage statistics information supplied by vendors (content providers) in COUNTER format. Usage statistics information supplied by vendors can be loaded to Alma manually or automatically with the SUSHI Automated Harvesting mechanism.

    The Usage Data subject area  is able to answer the following types of business questions:

    • Most frequently used journals
    • Annual journal usage trend.
    • Total and monthly number of successful requests per each journal
    • Database Usage - Annual Trend
    • Most Frequently Used Databases
    • Total number of searches and sessions per each database and the monthly/yearly search statistics


    Alma also collects data on the usage of electronic resources via the Alma link resolver. These include OpenURL requests, services offered to the patrons and services which the patron chooses to use. Usage of electronic resources tracked via the link resolver can also be used for reporting using Alma Analytics. Reports can be created of usage statistics by journal, database, publisher, platform, and subscriber. The reports enable the library to drill down on data elements included in the report such as year range, titles, and so on.
    The “Usage Data” subject area is typically used to ascertain the following information:
    • Most frequently used journals, databases and electronic books
    • Trends in usage of these electronic resources
    • Number of successful requests per resource, publisher and platform
    • Total number of searches and sessions
    • Examples of report outputs (including cost per use):



    Can a report of cost per use by publisher be created ?

    This can be achieved using the Cost Usage subject area. An example of such a report can be seen in the following screen capture:

    Top 10 cost per use publisher by Journal usage 2017.png

    Can a report of usage per publisher be created?

    This can be achieved using the Usage subject area. An example of such a report can be seen in the following screen capture:

    Top 10 publisher by Journal usage 2017.png

    Can usage statistics be viewed from within Alma?

    One way to view usage metrics is from within the Alma search. Clicking on the “More info” link of a search result for an electronic title shows the journal usage for the last 12 months:
    Clicking on the usage link will show a graphic breakdown of usage. This data is generated in Alma Analytics, and embedded in Alma.

    Is it possible to generate reports and statistics related to cost per use?

    Alma includes cost per use data elements and reports out of the box, and reports can be done on both the level of institution and the Network level. Below are the out of the box usage reports available in Alma. New reports can be created and out of the box reports can be customized using simple drag and drop functionality by any staff user with a Design Analytics role assigned to them.
    Out of the box cost per use reports include:
    • Cost per Use – Condition Most Expensive
    • Cost per Use Journal Details
    • Cost per Use Package Details
    • Least Expensive Journals
    • Least Expensive Packages
    • Most Expensive Journals
    • Most Expensive Packages
    • Package Cost per Use – Annual Trends
    • Title Cost per Use – Annual Trends
    An example of a cost per use report:

    Link Resolver

    Can reports related to link resolver usage be created?

    Alma Analytics supports a subject area Link Resolver Usage:
    The fields of this subject area can be used to create reports that provide both specific details of link resolver usage as well as a broad perspective of how the Alma link resolver is used.
    The factor “OpenURL Context Measures” contains seven measurements:
    A “Number of Requests” entry will be created any time an open URL request is sent to the Alma Link resolver.
    Examples of when this “Request” entry will be created are:
    • If a user clicks a link to the Alma Link resolver from an external source such as PubMed or a vendor native interface
    • If a user clicks “View It” from the Primo search results for an electronic resource:
    The “Number of Clicked Requests” states whether or not at least one of the services was clicked.
    The value will be 0 or 1.
    • ‘0’ means no services were clicked
    • ‘1’ means that at least 1 service was clicked.
    The “Number of services” is the number of services offered per incoming open URL request.
    The incoming URL request may come from
    • The “View It” tab within Primo
    • The electronic services page after clicking from another source
    The “Number of Clicked Services” is the number of services used by (clicked by) the end user.
    A “Number of requests without services” will be created for each incoming open URL which does not result in any services.
    The “Request without services” will exist if the Alma Link resolver returns no results:
    The “% Clicks from Requests” is the “Number of clicked Requests” divided by the “Number of Requests”
    In other words, “of all the total requests how many were actually clicked”:
    Using this subject area and these parameters, it is possible to create reports such as:
    • A comparison of Number of clicked requests in the last year for collections covering a particular subject area. The library can identify which source is most used and might choose therefore to cancel the least used collection.
    • A report of the top ten ‘Number of requests without services” and the corresponding classification no. The library can identify searches made by patrons but there have not been full text services. Based on the report output the library might want to consider changing the collection development policy and purchasing more resources in these areas.
    • A report of the top ten ‘Number of clicked requests’ and the corresponding classification no. The library can identify searches made by patrons with a click through for services. Based on the result, he library might want to consider continuing to purchase resources in these areas because they are being used.

    Does the link resolver subject area also support reporting on digital usage?

    The following fields are available in the Open URL Context Measures dimension of the Link Resolver Usage subject area in order to support the reporting of digital usage:

    • Number of Digital Services – the number of digital representations that appear when a user clicks View It
    • Number of Electronic Services – the number of electronic services that appear when a user clicks View It
    • Number of Digital Clicked Services – the number of digital representations a user clicks from the View It menu
    • Number of Electronic Clicked Services – the number of electronic services a user clicks from the View It menu

    Digital Usage Fields.png


    Does Alma support reporting on licenses?

    Using the Licenses subject area, the staff user can create reports/dashboards relating to licenses and answer the following types of business questions:

    • What is the number of portfolios and collections per license?
    • What are the total expenditures for PO lines with specific licenses for specific fiscal years?


    The following folders and fields are available in  the Licenses subject area:


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