What analytic reports and statistics are available for fulfillment activities?
Analytics includes 3 comprehensive subject areas in the area of circulation: Fulfillment, Fines and Fees, and Requests. An example of the Fulfillment subject are can be seen following:

Examples of reports in these areas:
Loan Statistics by Library:

The bibliographic details dimension is a shared dimension in the fulfillment subject area. As an example, it is possible to create a report that counts loans by title:

The Users dimension is also part of the Fulfillment subject area and can be used to generate circulation statistics – e.g. by library and user group. For anonymized circulation data only information on the user group and statistical categories will be available:

The example below shows the subject area for fines and fees. The transactions are the measurable facts, and all the other attributes are dimensions. This allows for the easy measurement of expenditure by vendor, fund, purchase type, date ranges, classification etc… and any combination of these.
Most dimensions are composed of multiple levels, for example DateàQuarteràFiscal period, or CollectionàLocationàLibrary, so drilldowns on the reports are possible without any additional work.

Reports which cross subject areas are possible through dimensions, which are shared by multiple subject areas. For example, Classification is a joint dimension of Expenditure and Circulation subject areas so it is possible to create reports that match expenditure and usage of a specific location.
This subject area can easily provide multi-year trend reports on circulation activities per location, classification, and user types.
Can a report of overdue items be generated?
While overdue notices are sent out automatically by Alma, Fulfillment staff might want a daily summary report of overdue items. The following dashboard is an example of such a reporting option – together with a report on lost items:

Can data about the operator receiving fine payment be reported on?
Alma Analytics supports a dedicated user dimension to capture the staff user information for fine/fee creation and processing.
These fields allow Alma to correctly record information about the staff user who created and/or processed a fine/fee.

See also: ...Fulfillment/Fines and Fees
Can reports be created for in-house use?
It is possible to retrieve the information pertaining to the in-house use via Alma Analytics
- The key indicator is in the Fulfillment subject area under Loan Details and is called In House Loan Indicator
- The possible values are Y or N:

An example of parameters for the creation of the report:

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