Licensing Requirements
What are the licensing requirements for managing digital resources in Alma?
Managing Digital Resources in Alma – License Requirements
Alma supports various workflows related to the management of digital resources, either born digital or digitized. When a library chooses to manage their digital resources in Alma (either the metadata only or together with the object itself) as part of their permanent collection, this will require a full subscription of Alma (Print, Electronic, and Digital).
The workflows below result in the creation of digital resources in Alma, and as such require a subscription to manage them in Alma (in addition to the existing Print and Electronic subscription):
- Add Representation – One by one addition of digital resources by staff
- Digital Uploader – Supports the bulk upload of digital resources by staff
- Digitization – Physical resources are scanned and the digital resources are added to the repository
- End user deposit of digital resources
- API based creation of digital resources
- Document delivery – Electronic resources are printed/scanned and the material is emailed to the requester
- Digitization - Physical resources are scanned and material is emailed to the requester.
NOTE: the above workflows do not create descriptive metadata or digital resources in Alma.
Harvesting of metadata from a remote digital asset management system does not require an Alma Digital subscription.
Institutions who do not subscribe to Alma Digital can test Alma Digital functionality for free in their sand box. There are limits of up to 10 GB of objects for a standard sandbox and up to 50 GB for a Premium Sandbox. Digital content cannot be uploaded to production.
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