Resource Sharing - November 2016 Enhancements
Determine Primo Resource Sharing Form Type Based on Genre
The Primo resource sharing form will now load for book or article based on the genre parameter received in the OpenURL. If the genre of the OpenURL has not been mapped to a type, the form will continue to open by default for a book. For detailed information, see Configuring Primo Request Form Type by Genre.
Shipping Lending Requests with Multiple Items
Lending requests may now ship multiple items attached to a single request. If multiple move requests have already been created for the lending request or if the request has already been shipped and more items are being shipped, Alma automatically marks the lending request as a multiple item request. Otherwise, adding multiple items is handled during the process of shipping items to the borrower.
When shipping to an ISO partner, one Shipped ISO message is transmitted. When the borrowing institution receives the message, it is recorded in the Audit tab of the borrowing request. The borrowing request's status is changed to Shipped Physically.
Likewise, multiple items may be shipped and checked back in for a single request by a broker system using the CheckOutItem and CheckInItem NCIP messages. Alma uses the requestID and ItemID information in the message to process the specific requests' items.
For more information, see Receiving or Shipping Multiple Items for a Single Request.
Additional Resource Sharing Enhancements
- When Automatically locate resource is enabled for the the resource sharing library and a request is automatically rejected, the request status becomes Pending Auto Reject until the library processes the response. While in this status, the request is non-editable.