Removed from June 2022
(URM-162410) Synchronize Changes from Community Zone Job - Removed from Monitor Jobs - should be removed from RN

Synchronize Changes from a Community Zone job is an internal system process for updating the Institution Zone with relevant changes from the Community Zone.
Synchronize Changes from a Community Zone job has been removed from Monitor Jobs as it is a technically internal system job, the business results of this job should be monitored via the dedicated task lists:
- For Community Zone Authority updates please use the Authority Control Task List:
- For Community Zone Knowledge Base updates of electronic resources please use Community Zone Update Task List:
A library can see the date on which the Institution was updated from the Community Zone in the Alma Help menu.
(URM-132279, URM-169957) Proquest Ebook Central Upload Electronic Holdings - Addition of Public Access Model Information - should be removed from RN
Proquest Ebook Central Upload Electronic Holdings integration now includes information regarding the Access Model associated with the electronic resources.
The access model information passed from Ebook Central is only passed for Owned titles.
The Access Model information passed from Ebook Central is reflected within the Public Access Model field of the electronic portfolio.
The Public Access Model field reflects aggregated information regarding the portfolio's Access model, see table below which reflects the Access Model in Alma and in Ebook Central:
Scenario | Ebook Central | Public access model presented on the portfolio in Alma |
1 | Title has access model 1U | 1U |
2 | Title has access model 2x1U | 2U |
3 | Title has access model 2x1U and 3U | 5U |
4 | Title has access model 2x1U and 3U and NL | NL (5U once the NL is over) |
5 | Title has access model 2x1U and 3U and UA | UA |
Any new public access model code and description are added to the Access Model configuration screen (Configuration > Acquisitions > Access Model).
(URM-154263) Usability Improvement to PO Line Workflows - Support Save Query
Alma now incorporates the Save Query button in the PO Lines list. This improvement enables users to; 1) Run an advanced search, 2) Save the query, and 3) Enter the saved set, see the results, open the advanced search and see the chosen criteria.
The "Set Content Type" is changed from PO lines to Order lines in advanced search and saved queries.
(URM-109753) Added "OR" Boolean Operator to PO Lines Advanced Search Indexes
Alma enhances the capability of the PO line advanced search by adding the "OR" boolean operator. The added boolean operator enables Alma's advanced searches to be more consistent with other search values. For instance, previously in Alma, advanced searches for All titles enabled users to select both "AND" and "OR" boolean operators, whereas only the "AND" operator was available for Order line advanced searches.