Working with the Community Zone Updates Task List
- Repository Manager
- Purchasing Operator/Purchasing Manager role (Working with the Community Zone Updates Task List requires a special privilege assigned to these roles. If you are unable to work with the CZUTL, contact Customer Support to be assigned the privilege.)
- Copies changed authorities and resources from Community Zone to Institution Zone.
- Adds changes to the "Community Zone Updates Task List" page.
For more information, see Synchronize Changes from CZ.
Additional updates, such as enrichments and authorities, may occur during the week in order to prevent overload to your system.
- The Review tab: Shows changes made to your records that you can review and take action on these changes. For example, a parameter change may not fit your institution’s requirements. You can manually revert to the old value using the Edit action.
- The All tab: Shows information for all changes that were made to your records or that are relevant to your institution.
- Report Type – See Working with the Community Zone Updates Task List.
- Electronic Collection Name – When available, select to open the Activation Information tab in the Electronic Service Editor; see the Activation Information Tab Options table in Adding a Local Electronic Collection.
- Title – When available, select to open the Coverage Information tab in the Electronic Portfolio Editor; see the New Portfolio Page Options (Standalone and Electronic Collection) table in Adding a Standalone Portfolio.
- Identifier
- Submit Date - displays date and time of the change. When portfolios are added or deleted, this helps you know which came first from the task list, thus letting you know if content was removed without being re-added. The date and time formats are defined by customer parameters system_date_format and system_time_format.
- Available For (multi-campus environment or collaborative network implementing a Network Zone) – The inventory management group to which this electronic resource is restricted. Groups in this column reflect the information effective with the most recent harvesting. For more information about groups, see Configuring Distributed Access to Electronic Resources.
- Before Change/After Change – Changes made globally as part of the Community Zone update job.
- Local Information – Local override information (in the Coverage Information tab in the Electronic Portfolio Editor) maintained by the library. This column also provides the Linking Parser Parameters information from the Electronic Service level, if that was defined there.
- Resource ID - displays the local ID of the resource (portfolio ID / electronic Service ID / Electronic Collection ID), depending on the resource level of the selected Report Type.
- Resource Type - displays Electronic Portfolio / Electronic Service / Electronic Collection to let you know the resource level of every entry.
- Is Free - displays the electronic collection/electronic service's 'Is Free' parameter value (if the override is populated, displays the override value). For every Collection/Service, state Yes/No, and for Portfolio states the portfolio's Service's 'Is Free' value (inherited).
- Collection Type - displays the electronic collection's type: Selective package / Aggregator package / Database.
- Collection content type - displays the electronic collection type: Book Package / Journal Package / Mixed Package / Abstract & Index Package / Web Service / Database.
- Library - displays the library of the resource. If the library is inherited from the e.collection, displays "<Library_Name> (e.collection)".
- Orders - displays the number of the resource's PO Lines. The number is a link, select it to view the relevant PO Lines. Select Back to return to the Community Zone Update Task List.
The Task List displays Institution Zone elements as existed at the time period selected in the "Submit Date Range". Note that some Institution Zone elements might have changed in the time that elapsed between the selected "Submit Date Range" and your viewing time. This is also explained on the Community Zone Update Task List page, select the icon to view the explanation.
The filters on the page:
- Report Type - Select a type to display only reports of this type. If any of the report types is not displayed in the table, the filter does not provide the option to filter by it.
- Available for - Select an inventory management group to display only reports pertaining to this group. If any of the groups is not displayed in the table, the filter does not provide the option to filter by it.
- Electronic Service - Includes the values All / Auto-Active / Non Auto-Active. This filter displays only entries of the Service level. This filter has no corresponding column.
- Resource Type - Includes the values All / Electronic Portfolio / Electronic Service / Electronic Collection. If any of the resource types is not displayed in the table, the filter does not provide the option to filter by it.
- Has Order - Include the values All / Yes / No.
- Is Free - Include the values All / Yes / No on the electronic service and electronic collection levels only.
- Has Local Information - Includes the values All / Yes / No.
The Has Local Information filter only presents results for records that had local information in the filtered date or no local information at the time of the sync.
• The indication is stored only at the moment when changes were synchronized from the Community Zone.
The cell in the table presents the existing local information, not the past one. - Library - Select a library to display only reports belonging to this library. Includes the available libraries of the institution.
- Collection content type - Include the values All / Book Package / Journal Package / Mixed Package / Abstract & Index Package / Web Service / Database. If any of the resource types is not displayed in the table, the filter does not provide the option to filter by it.
- Collection Type - Include the values All / Selective package / Aggregator package / Database. If any of the resource types is not displayed in the table, the filter does not provide the option to filter by it.
Actions in the Community Zone Update Task List
On the Review tab, the below actions are disabled for Report Type resources whose library does not match the library defined in the scope of the user roles. For details, see Library set on electronic resource.
Edit Electronic Portfolio / Electronic Service / Electronic Collection - Select to open the resource in its editor (if you have the required permissions).
Note: If you do not have editing permissions to the resource, you will be able to view the resources but not edit them. This option is not available for deleted resources.
To return to the Community Zone Update Task List after editing/viewing the resource, select the "Review CZ Updates" button that appears at the top of the resource. - Dismiss (Review tab only) – You can dismiss from the Review tab any update that is not relevant to your institution, to your needs, or for any other reason. Dismissing does not revert the Community Zone update, it only removes it from the Review tab, so you no longer see it. This helps you maintain a focused and relevant list of updates. Once you dismissed an update, you cannot move it back to the Review tab. However, dismissed updates still appears in the All tab, and you can work with them from there.
You can remove updates as follows:- To remove a single update, select the Dismiss row action.
- To dismiss multiple updates, select the checkboxes, select Dismiss Selected.
- To dismiss all updates, select Dismiss All, specify a date range in which to dismiss updates, and select Confirm in the confirmation message.
Note: You cannot dismiss resources out of the scope of your user role. If you select multiple report types and select 'Dismiss Selected', then resources that are out of scope cannot be selected and the checkbox for these resources are disabled. If you select "Dismiss All", only resources that are within your role scope is handled, and resources that are our of the user scope are skipped.
Report To ExLibris - Select to send a report for Ex Libris, in case of any issue.
Actions on a Collection Following a Community Zone Update
- Auto-active collection: Activate an aggregator package electronic collection and indicate that the source should update automatically.
- Non auto-active collection: Activate a selective package electronic collection (or aggregator package type) and set it to not use automatic updates.
Activation Type
Report Type
Action Taken
Both (Auto-activation and Non auto-activation)
Electronic service linking parameters update
The action is performed. You can undo it by selecting Actions > Edit and manually restoring the previous value.
Both (Review and All)
Electronic service base url updated
The action is performed. You can undo it by selecting Actions > Edit and manually restoring the previous value.
Both (Review and All)
Electronic service deleted
The electronic collection service is unlinked from the Community Zone and set to inactive. If you decide to keep the electronic collection service, select Actions > Edit and manually manage the electronic collection service from the Electronic Service Editor page. The institution icon (single building) appears in the Portfolios tab on the Electronic Service Editor page where you can select Actions > Remove to delete a portfolio.
See Deleting Activated Resources for more information.
Both (Review and All)
Portfolio coverage update
The action is performed.
Both (Review and All)
Portfolio linking parameters update
The action is performed. You can undo it by selecting Actions > Edit and manually restoring the previous value.
Both (Review and All)
Electronic Collection deleted
The electronic collection is unlinked from the Community Zone and turned inactive. The institution icon (single building) appears beside the electronic collection in the repository search. If you decide to keep the electronic collection, select Actions > Edit and manually manage the electronic collection. If you decide to delete the electronic collection, find it using the repository search and manually delete it.
Both (Review and All)
Electronic Collection Linking Parameters Update | The action is performed.
This Report Type indicates to institutions the changes made to the Community Zone collection's linking parameters. This is relevant for electronic collections of type database, for CDI direct linking. |
Both (Review and All) | |
Electronic Collection 'Management Level in Community Zone' field updated
In the Community Zone Updates Task List, this option indicates to institutions the changes made to the Community Zone collection's management level. Users can focus on these changes by selecting the “Electronic Collection Management Level in Community Zone field updated” option from the Report Type filter.
![]() This option is relevant for institutions to see what the planned changes are to Community Zone content, by reviewing collections that are planned to be deleted in the near future. This enables institutions to prepare in advance for any potential change which have an impact on the institution’s electronic Community Zone linked inventory.
Both (Review and All)
Electronic Collection Bibliographic Record Update
The action is performed. You can make changes to this record update by selecting Actions > Edit. See Activating an Electronic Collection Using the Activation Wizard for more information.
Both (Review and All)
Electronic Collection CDI search activation field updated
The value can be changed from 'Not available for CDI search activation' to 'Available for CDI search activation' or vice versa. In case a collection was available for search activation and it is no longer available, all CDI settings in the Electronic Collection Editor, except for the 'Do not show as full text available in CDI even if active in Alma, will be disregarded during the CDI publishing. In case a collection becomes available for CDI search activation, the CDI settings in the Electronic Collection Editor will become available for this collection.
Both (Review and All)
Electronic Collection CDI full text linking field updated
The value may be changed from Linkresolver to Link in Record or Hybrid or conversely. This change has an impact on the CDI CDI only full text activation setting in the Electronic Collection Editor that is available only to Link in Record collections.
Both (Review and All)
Electronic Collection CDI search rights field updated
The value may be changed from 'Subscription' to 'Free' vice versa. In case a collection becomes a subscription database, it is important to check your institution has a subscription when activating this collection for search or full text.
Both (Review and All)
Electronic Collection CDI full text rights field updated
The value may be changed from Subscription (Title Level) to Subscription (Collection level) or Open Access or conversely. If a collection is no longer Open Access, it is important to ensure that your institution has a subscription when activating this collection for full text.
Both (Review and All)
Electronic Collection CDI type field updated
The value may be changed from 'A&I database' to 'Full text database' or conversely.
Both (Review and All)
Portfolio bibliographic record updated
The action is performed.
When a Community Zone portfolio is updated to relink to a different bibliographic record, the Community Zone Update process updates the Institution Zone portfolio to point to the new bibliographic record. If the old bibliographic record does not have any inventory, the Community Zone Update process removes it. This report type shows the MMD ID of the deleted bibliographic record and MMS ID of the new bibliographic record to which the portfolio was relinked.
Both (Review and All)
The action is performed.
If you select the automated options Automatically activate new portfolios or Activate new portfolios associated with service automatically when you activate an electronic collection from the Community Zone or a service, the resulting automatically activated portfolios can be retrieved by using this report type. See Automatically activate new portfolios and Activate new portfolios associated with service automatically? for more information.
All only
Portfolio deleted from auto-active electronic service
The action is performed.
See Deleting Activated Resources for more information. |
Both (Review and All)
Non auto-activation
Portfolio added to non-active electronic service
No action is performed.
In the All tab, you can see portfolios added to the Community Zone electronic collection. To add the portfolios to your electronic collection, manually go into the Community Zone, find the portfolio, and activate it. Alternatively, you can add it as a local portfolio manually.
All only
Portfolio deleted from non auto-active electronic service
The portfolio is not deleted, but it is unlinked from the Community Zone, saved as a local portfolio, and its availability is changed from Available to Not Available. You see this action in the Review tab and can manually delete the portfolio by selecting Actions > Edit. You can keep the local portfolio by selecting Actions > Dismiss.
Both (Review and All)
Deleting Activated Resources
When the portfolio and its bibliographic record are activated from the Community Zone, the below situations can occur.
If: | Then: |
In the Community Zone, the portfolio is deleted (but not the bibliographic record) | |
In the Service Editor, the "Auto Active" checkbox was selected. | Portfolio and bibliographic record are deleted from the Institution Zone. |
In the Service Editor, the "Auto Active" checkbox was not selected: |
Bibliographic record remains linked to Community Zone and the portfolio is not deleted, but becomes local in the Institution Zone. |
In the Community Zone, both the portfolio and the bibliographic record are deleted | |
In the Service Editor, the "Auto Active" checkbox was selected | Both the portfolio and the bibliographic record are deleted from the Institution Zone. |
In the Service Editor, the "Auto Active" checkbox was not selected | Both the portfolio and the bibliographic record become local in Institution Zone. |
Incorporating the Community Zone Updates Task List into Your Workflow
- Access the Community Zone Updates Task List once per week.
- Review the updates made to your Institution Zone records from the Community Zone updates.
- Apply the Community Zone Updates Task List filters that are useful for your particular institutional workflow. You may find it more useful to apply the filters and check the electronic collection-level changes before applying the filters and checking the portfolio-level changes.
- As you filter and view the entries, look for:
- Deleted portfolios - These are portfolios that were deleted in the Community Zone and have become local portfolios. You will need to decide whether the portfolio should be deleted. This decision will most likely be determined by whether there is still access to the resource.
- Portfolios that were added to the aggregator collection but were not automatically activated - The portfolio is not automatically activated if it was initially chosen on the collection level. You need to decide if the portfolio should be activated.
- Portfolios where the global coverage was updated and the library has local coverage - You will need to determine if you want to remove the local coverage.
- Dismiss the records for which you have accepted the update using Dismiss Selected or Dismiss All. Note that you need to specify a date range when using the Dismiss All option.
The expectation is that the vast majority, if not all, of the entries will be dismissed.
The Dismiss All option removes all tasks from the task list, not just the tasks on the current page.
Entries that were dismissed are still available in the All tab. This ensures that you have a history of the entries that were dismissed.