2023 RN 05 Additional
- May 2023 Resource Management SF: 05320435
The UNIMARC Bibliographic profile now includes a closed list of values for 7XX fields in the subfield $4. For more information, see Working with Bibliographic Records. The UNIMARC Bibliographic 7XX $4 enhancement is in continuation of the enhancements included in the February 2023 Release. For a list of the enhancements in the February 2023 release, click here.URM-178916 - May 2023 Resource Management
Previously, edition information in the title search results was limited to the edition statement (250$$a). Now, the edition information also includes the remainder of the edition statement (250$$b), enabling librarians to fully and accurately identify the edition from the search results. - May 2023 Resource Management
The 070 is the standard NAL (National Agricultural Library) call number index per library of Congress Standards. Once the semi-annual reindexing is completed, it will be included in the NAL Type Call Number search index. - May 2023 Administration and Infrastructure
Alma's session timeout feature recognizes user activity in Analytics and extends the Alma session to prevent a timeout while the user is active in Analytics. This means that if the user is working in Analytics during an Alma session, their session remains active without interruption. Once a user's session in Alma is about to end, Alma runs a check to verify if the user was active in Analytics within the last hour. If active, Alma extends the session until the next session's end cycle and runs the check again. If no activity in Analytics, the session ends. - May 2023 Digital Resource Management URM-126640
The Universal Viewer now supports the 3D formats .glb and .gltf. Note that for .gltf, files that include pointers to additional external files are not supported. - May 2023 Analytics URM-186765
The Item Receiving Date dimension was added to Physical Items subject area. It includes fields that enable you to create reports on how many items were received by the library per period of time.For more information on the Physical Items subject area, see Physical Items.
- May 2023 Analytics SF: 06447308 06683567 URM-182984
The DC Description field was added to the Bibliographic Details dimension in all subject areas in which it appears. It displays the description of the DC record.For more information on the Bibliographic Details dimension, see Bibliographic Details.
- May 2023 Analytics SF: 06577926 URM-184115
The Item Issue Date (Calendar) field was added to Physical Items > Physical Item Details. It displays the issue date of the physical item.For more information on the Physical Items subject area, see Physical Items.
- May 2023 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-189222
The following fields are now available in the following letters (Configuration > General > Letters > Letters Configuration):Field Label XML Field Ful Incoming Slip LetterGroup Qualifiergroup_qualifierRenewals Allowedrenewals_allowedBorrowing Library Address Informationborrowing_library_addressPartner Codepartner_codeResource Sharing Shipping Slip LetterRenewals Allowedrenewals_allowedFul Resource Request Slip Letter
Group Qualifiergroup_qualifierRenewals Allowedrenewals_allowedPartner Codepartner_codeResource Sharing Receive Slip Letter
Group Qualifiergroup_qualifierLibrary Location for Institutions with Multiple LibrariespickupLibraryNameRenewals Allowedrenewals_allowedBorrowing Library Address Informationborrowing_library_addressPartner Codepartner_codeResource Sharing Return Slip Letter
Group Qualifiergroup_qualifierLibrary Location for Institutions with Multiple Libraries
Renewals Allowedrenewals_allowedBorrowing Library Address Informationborrowing_library_addressBorrower Overdue Email Letter
Partner Codepartner_codeFor more information, see Configuring Alma Letters.
- May 2023 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM-184830
Titles with physical holdings now display the Holdings information (name, shelving location, call number, and availability) in the right pane.The Holdings information displays whatever information is available. When some of the Holdings information is not available, the field for the unavailable information does not appear.
Holdings - May 2023 Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: 06618079 06664331 URM-187017
You can now set the default sent from email address to be different from the main library email address. When rs_use_addressfrom_letter_param (Fulfillment Configuration Menu > General > Other Settings) is set to true (default false), instead of letters being sent from the Preferred Email Address set in Fulfillment > Library Management > Contact Information, the email is sent from the letter configuration addressFrom (Configuration > General > Letters > Letters Configuration) on the following letters:- Externally Obtained Letter
- Lending Recall Email Letter
- Borrower Claim Email Letter
- Ful Cancel Email Letter
- Ful Renew Email Letter
- Ful Incoming Slip Letter
- Ful Damaged Email Letter
- Ful Lost Email Letter
- Borrower Overdue Email Letter
- Ful Outgoing Email Letter
- Borrower Receive Email Letter
- Borrower Return Email Letter
- Lender Checked-in Email Letter
- Lender Reject Email Letter
- Lender Response Email Letter
- Lender Ship Email Letter
- Lender Will Supply Email Letter
- Query To Patron Letter
- Resource Sharing Request Confirmation Letter
- Resource Sharing Return Slip Letter
- Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter
Preferred email addressaddressFrom email addressIn addition, for the following letters, signature_email needs to be replaced in the XSL with address_from in order to prevent the preferred email address from appearing at the bottom of the email:
- Externally Obtained Letter
- Query To Patron Letter
XSLPreferred email address on three lettersFor more information, see Configuring Alma Letters.
- May 2023 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 06572598
Idea Exchange URM-162845
You can now use the Leganto API to update citation tags. Use the following PUT method, containing a URL with the course ID, reading list, reading list ID, citation, citation ID, and the word tags. The body must include the tags you want the citation to include. For example:If the body <citation_tag> is empty, all tags are removed from the citation.
For more information, see Developer Network - Courses.