360 KB: BioOne.1 and BioOne.2 Databases: Databases being replaced by BioOne Complete - Jan. 2016
- Product: 360 KB
What is happening to the databases BioOne.1 and BioOne.2?
ProQuest currently has title-level information for the databases BioOne.1 and BioOne.2 from provider BioOne in the Knowledgebase. The provider has informed us that these two collections have been replaced by the database BioOne Complete, which comprises all journals in these two databases.
The databases BioOne.1 and BioOne.2 from the provider BioOne are no longer being updated. In order to maintain accurate and authoritative provider metadata (based on our Knowledgebase collection policy), the databases have been hidden in the Knowledgebase. Libraries that currently subscribe to either or both of these databases will continue to have access to the databases. However, if your library is not already subscribed, you will not be able to view these databases in the Knowledgebase. (NOTE: The database codes for this databases are: BioOne.1: RBO and BioOne.2: RZN.) You may wish to subscribe instead to BioOne Complete (database code PQ0), as this is the database BioOne will continue to update. BioOne Open Access Titles (database code TBO) will continue to be updated, as well.
Update as of April 18th, 2018: per information from the provider, BioOne.1 collection is still privately available since there are BioOne.1 customers grandfathered into that package, so BioOne.1 database has been activated in the Client's Center and it is no longer in hidden status.
- Date Created: 12-Jan-2016
- Last Edited Date: 15-Jan-2016
- Old Article Number: 13443