360 KB: EBSCOhost Database Availability
- Product: 360 KB
Why isn't my EBSCOhost database available through Serials Solutions?
Before EBSCO can supply Serials Solutions with title-level links for a collection, a "Hierarchical Journal Authority File" (or HJAF), otherwise known as a "Publication Authority File," needs to be created. Without the Publication Authority File, EBSCO does not have the ability to supply Serials Solutions, or any other entity, with title-level links. Once the Publication Authority File has been created, EBSCO provides Serials Solutions with a title list (which EBSCO calls a JAKE file) that contains the bibliographic information and journal-level links required for us to track EBSCOhost databases. There is often a lag between the creation of a Publication Authority File and the availability of a JAKE file with which Serials Solutions can update the collection.
Not all EBSCOhost databases are linkable, however. According to EBSCO, "Some types of content do not support persistent linking to the Journal Authority File. For example, newswire databases such as Newspaper Source are processed differently from other databases, and do not offer persistent linking to the Journal Authority File." Another newswire resource that does not support title-level linking is Regional Business News.
Although it isn't complete, here a list of most of the EBSCOhost databases that Serials Solutions is unable to track, or is currently tracking but cannot effectively update:
Product Name | EBSCOhost Product Code | Full Text or Zero-Title Database? | Serials Solutions Database Code | Problem |
ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials | rfh | Full Text | EAT | ISSN-based links; some links incorrect |
Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre | anh | Full Text | EAZ | Newspapers not tracked |
Canadian Reference Centre | rch | Full Text | ECC | Newspapers not tracked |
Economía y Negocios | agh | Zero-Title Database | EAO | Bibliographic records only - no full text |
ERIC | eric | Zero-Title Database | BNH | Only links to full-text content, no actual FT hosted by EBSCOhost. See this answer for more information. |
Gender Studies Database | fmh | Zero-Title Database | BSZ | Only links to full-text content, no actual FT hosted by EBSCOhost |
Newspaper Source | nfh | Full Text | ENS | Newswire/news source database; EBSCO cannot provide JAKE files for these resources |
Newspaper Source Plus | n5h | Zero-Title Database | NSP | Newswire/news source database; EBSCO cannot provide JAKE files for these resources |
Open Science Directory | None available | Zero-Title Database | OAO | No available title list; just a repository of links to other sites |
Polymer Library | ply | Zero-Title Database | NEZ | No full text |
PsycARTICLES (added May 11, 2012) |
pdh | Full Text | EPA | EBSCO gets content from APA and cannot build persistent links to it. |
PsycBOOKS (added May 11, 2012) |
pzh | Full Text | DNW | EBSCO gets content from APA and cannot build persistent links to it. |
Regional Business News | bwh | Full Text | EBW | Newswire/news source database; EBSCO cannot provide JAKE files for these resources |
If you would like to help expedite the creation of the Publication Authority File for a collection, or inquire if a collection will support title-level links, please contact EBSCO Support at eptech@ebscohost.com, or by phone at (800) 758-5995 (U.S. and Canada) or (800) 3272-6000 (outside U.S./Canada). Thank you for your patience.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 21-Feb-2014
- Old Article Number: 8368