Transition to EBSCOhost New Target Parser - December 2021
EBSCO has completed the process of (1) Upgrading their OpenURL-based linking syntax, and (2) Phasing out their existing API.
We have been working with EBSCO to update our linking parser to support the new “EBSCOhost OpenURL Connection”, including capturing their most recent syntax changes, to ensure we release the new target parser by the end of the year (2021) before the EBSCO API will be phased out by EBSCO.
We have completed the transition of ALL EBSCOhost Journal collections to the new linking method, as planned before the end of 2021.
The old EBSCOhost Link Resolver Plugin has been removed from the Service Editor of all collections and no further action is required from the community.
This is the new configuration of the collections that are using the new parser:
- Parser:
- EBSCO_HOST::Journals
- Parser parameters:
- db_host=<the same value> & url= & url1= & url2= & shib=$$SHIBBOLETH & customer_id=$$CUSTOMER_ID & sso=$$SSO & ipauth=$$IPAUTH &opid=$$OPID
Please note that the 'db_host' parameter is different in each collection (it’s the collection's database code).
This is how to configure the different linking methods in EBSCOhost collections:
- There are two linking parameters in EBSCO's collections required for log-in authentication to the EBSCO platform.
- If you add the $$CUST_ID linking parameter, your institution will automatically log in when trying to access articles and journals in the EBSCO platform.
- If your institution adds your unique linking parameter called $$OPID in addition to the $$CUST_ID, the journal level link will work as above, but the article level links will be generated in the following way (EBSCO's new linking method):{OPID}/openurl?prompt=true&{OpenURLcontextObject}
This is the recommended method.
- If your institution adds your unique linking parameter called $$OPID in addition to the $$CUST_ID, the journal level link will work as above, but the article level links will be generated in the following way (EBSCO's new linking method):{OPID}/openurl?prompt=true&{OpenURLcontextObject}
- If you only use the $$OPID parameter without the $$CUST_ID, the article level link will be created as above and will work as expected, but the journal level link will lead to the EBSCO login page.
- For SSO authentication - enter the value 'yes' in the SSO linking parameters
- For SHIBBOLETH/ATHENS authentication - enter the value 'yes' in the SHIBBOLETH linking parameters
- For IP authentication - enter the value 'yes' in the IPAUTH linking parameters
- Article last edited: 01-Feb-2022