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    September Release (6.18)

    Release date: September 22 2022


    Status Comment Field

    1. Optional status comment field is back

    The comment field can again be added as optional for user roles at workflow matrix level. View the workflow matrix documentation for the new configuration options.


    Default behavior:

    • status comment is optional => new radio button was implemented, can be changed to mandatory
    • selected status change will automatically select the status comment column

    If you are upgrading from 6.16

    After the update to 6.18 the default setting for the comment field is optional and not mandatory anymore. If required, you can use the scripts described here to achieve the desired settings. 

    If you are upgrading from 6.15

    No impact to the former behavior.


    2. Character limitation is visible

    The character count function is now available for the status comment field, so that the existing limitation of 1024 characters for the status comment is visible to the users.


    Archiving Feature

    Formerly snapshotting / archiving in the edit page was limited to attributes present in the edit page. This limitation is removed and any attribute can be used (same as BROWSE page). With this change the order of link entities in the PDF will match the order in the edit page, for example for authors.

    HR (Human Resources) Integration

    We improved the parsing of unescaped characters and invalid values. In case there are records that have been provided in incorrect format in CSV source files, affected records will be excluded but other valid records will still get imported. This improvement covers additional cases to a similar improvement that was introduced with Converis 6.16.

    JCR integration

    The JCR metrics integration for JCR subscribers was enhanced to use the Journal API, replacing the need to upload files. It allows for automatic upload via a timer and provides additional data that was not available via the files:

    In order to use this new function, you will need to set up the API key (if you do not have one, please get in touch with your usual Clarivate contact, it may require an additional license), and to run a small script to switch from the file upload to the API. 

    Check here for detailed documentation.

    Bug Fixes


    CSF ID

    Archiving | Snapshotting does not sort the relations by relation sequence


    Update | System hangs when you try to open configuration, CG/CGV or edit any existing records (history/claim/status logs tabs)


    CGV | Unselected values are grayed and cannot be differentiated from selectable


    Update | Apache install script fails to enable the service (only for Converis <= 6.9.0)


    EPrints | Journal with ampersand cannot be sent to IR


    Upgrade Java 8 for Converis & CRA servers to 1.8.0 build 342


    Performance | Improvement for loading output pages including files.

    If the DMS is not available, the user will see an error message after clicking the file link.


    DB function | Add script function to remove maxLength for date attributes and others which don´t have maxLength in the actual definition.

    Please create a csf ticket, if needed.


    Registration | Label is missing with existing CGV "yes or no" in Registration form


    Portal | Show default view for tree types in breadcrumb


    Edit Page | Helptext for attributes does not work


    Edit Page | Layout issues, labels are displayed in two lines


    Dashboard | User information missing when there is negative rights for the user role


    Listview | All records disappeared after link entity attribute was set as listview sorting attribute because link attribute is not supported and configuration should not be possible. The checkbox is removed for link entity attributes.


    Mandatory attributes | The edit page can be saved  without filling the mandatory field, if the mandatory attribute is missing in the template.


    PDF | Archiving and output templates are not correctly converted to PDF when many line breaks are configured and caused unnecessary empty space.


    CRA | Update Pentaho from 9.0 to 9.2

    This intermediate release includes the security update for Pentaho.


    Edit Page | Multi language large text attribute field incorrect


    Endnote Import | Name converter fails for authors with more than one last name


    Browse PDF | Overlapping of text when displayed from linked entity


    DOI | Lookup for DOI does not work if the link as more special characters as <> etc


    Config Exchange | A script is available to detect and correct bad data in the database before using the configuration exchange feature. Click here for details.


    Endnote Export | Converis fails to export authors with more than one last name into EndNote format


    EPrints | Issue with retrievedXML publication cannot be exported to EPrints


    Deduplication | Find duplicates shows error popup for some string attributes


    Deduplication | Deduplication of cards changes sequence numbers in PUBL_has_CARD


    CSL | CSL involving CGV's "Use data from Edit Page" is clicked and is called from pop-up throws an nullpointer exception


    Listview | Filter malfunction if linebreak is configured in short template


    Auto publication importer | new doctypes introduced by Web of Science


    Edit page | Lookup combined with filtered list does not work as expected


    List view | Labels displaying HTML tags on filter



    Status Comment Field – Scripts to support the upgrade

    The Workflow status comment script can be performed for 2 configurations.

    1. To make the status comment mandatory it sets the radio button in the UI to mandatory (behavior from 6.16 and 6.17)
    2. To make the status comment field visible it sets the status comment column C in the  UI as checked (for customers who used the script to remove the entire status comment field because it was mandatory and not optional anymore to bring back the behavior from <= 6.15)

    The script can be run manually via the PostgresSQL DB function in the database.

    SELECT public.fix_workflow_statuscomment("_stCmtOrStCmtBox" integer, "_userRole" text , "_entity" text , "_selectorCgv" text);

    Restart wildfly after the execution.

    _stCmtOrStCmtBox (integer)

    _userRole (text) + _entity (text)


    Mandatory - To patch all workflows

    Mandatory - To patch specific workflow

    0 - to make status comment mandatory

    1 - to  make the status comment field available

    Optional - To patch all workflows

    Mandatory - To patch specific workflow

    Case sensitive

    Optional - To patch all workflows

    Mandatory - To patch specific workflow

    Case insensitive

    SELECT public.fix_workflow_statuscomment(0);

    SELECT public.fix_workflow_statuscomment(1);

    SELECT public.fix_workflow_statuscomment(0,'Graduate Student','Publication');

    SELECT public.fix_workflow_statuscomment(1,'Graduate Student','Publication');

    SELECT public.fix_workflow_statuscomment(0,'Graduate Student','Publication','Doctoral thesis');

    SELECT public.fix_workflow_statuscomment(1,'Graduate Student','Publication','Doctoral thesis')

    Update Process

    There are no new labels for Converis 6.18.

    Updates & Upgrades

    Update (from version 6.17 or intermediate releases)* - Packages for 6.18 will be available upon release (September 22)

    Customers with local installations should make sure they comply to the Hardware and Software Requirements for Converis* and Research Analytics*.

    * Link requires login

    Support is provided according to the Converis software support, service availability and maintenance. In addition to the contact provided in this document, the support team can be contacted via the mechanism by which you currently engage support or via your Clarivate Account Manager (Sales) or Implementation/Project Manager.


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