Links Resolving to "Internal Server Error" on Wiley Online Library Platform
What is Happening with Links to Wiley Online Library Platform?
As of August 4th, 2023, we have received a number of complaints about some links to Wiley Online Library platform resolving to an "Internal Server Error" page. We have contacted Wiley Support Team and they have confirmed that "there is a known issue happening at this time with remote access."
They have suggested that the customers who encounter this issue, contact them providing the following details:
OpenAthens Federation:
Customer ID:
Federation Scope:
Role/Affiliation (if required):
Athens Organization ID:
As of today, August 9th, this issue seems to persist. We are following up with Wiley Support and suggest that you do the same to equip them with more data for analysis.
We will update this article once we have more information from the provider.
- Article last edited: 09-AUG-2023