How to add a field to the Advanced Search in RD
How to add a field to the advanced search (dropdown) so it will be be searchable in the RD
The example here is to add the partitionA field
First Step
In $dtle_root/tab/tab12 add:
308 partitionA (308 is just for the example, it can be any other available number)
Second Step
In $user_dev/gen01/tab/tab00.eng add:
H WPA W-027 00 00 W-partitionA (WPA is just for the example, can be any 3 other letters)
Third Step
In $user_dev/gen01/tab/tab11_word add:
308## a 03 WRD WPA
Fourth Step
In $user_dev/gen01/tab/harvesting_schema.xml add:
<field index_enabled="true" search_enabled="true" ui_code="308" ui_default_text="doc-308" index_code="308" normalizing_profiles_ref="generic">
<location type="digital_entity" path="control/partition_a"></location>
Fifth Step
In $user_dev/gen01/tab/www_r_silo_conf.xml add under the find codes:
<option_name lng="ENG">PartitionA</option_name>
<option_name lng="GER">PA</option_name>
<option_name lng="FRE">PA</option_name>
<option_name lng="HEB">×©× ×”</option_name>
Sixth Step
Restart the www server:
Please Note
In order the change will take effect on all the objects in the RD you need to run harvest from *scratch*.
This will drop the resource discovery indexes and rebuild them from scratch, meaning that accurate search results will not be available during the re-index. For this reason it is best to perform this procedure over the weekend.