Esploro Media Mentions
You can use the fields of the Media Mentions subject area to create reports on the media mentions associated with a researcher or with an internal or external organization. Examples of media mention types are Expert Quote, Press Conference, Researcher Activities, and Review. Media mention can be by radio, TV, internet, print, video, or any other platform.
You can use the reports created by the Media Mentions subject area to answer the following business questions:
- How many media mentions are there from each type and platform?
- How many media mentions are associated with each researcher (also by type/platform/source)?
- Who are the top 10 Organizations that have the most media mentions?
- Which research topics are most common in all media mentions?
- Where do most media mention happen?
- How many media mentions were added by year/month?
Field Descriptions
Media Mention Measures
Media Mention Measures is a fact table that stores measures relating to media mentions.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Num of Media Mentions | The number of media mentions | |
Num of Associated Researchers (All) | The total number of associated researchers | |
Num of Associated Researchers (Affiliated) | The number of affiliated researchers | |
Num of Associated Researchers (Non-Affiliated) | The number of associated non-affiliated researchers | |
Num of Associated Organizations (All) | The total number of associated organizations | |
Num of Associated Organizations (Internal) | The number of internal organizations | |
Num of Associated Organizations (External) | The number of associated organizations |
Media Mention Details
Media Mention Details is a dimension table that stores details about media mentions.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Media Mention Comments | The comments of the media mention | |
Media Mention Country | The country of the media mention | |
Media Mention Coverage | The coverage of the media mention | |
Media Mention Creator | The creator of the media mention | |
Media Mention Description | The description of the media mention | |
Media Mention Input Method | The input method of the media mention | |
Media Mention Internal ID | The internal ID of the media mention | |
Media Mention Language | The language of the media mention | |
Media Mention Modified By | The last user who modified the media mention | |
Media Mention Platform | The platform of the media mention | |
Media Mention Reporter | The reporter of the media mention | |
Media Mention Repository Status | The repository status of the media mention | |
Media Mention Source | The source of the media mention | |
Media Mention Title | The title of the media mention | |
Media Mention Type | The type of the media mention | |
Portal Visibility | Indicates if he portal is visible | |
Portal Visibility Update Date | The date the portal visibility was last updated | |
Profile Visibility | Indicates if the profile is visible | |
Profile Visibility Update Date | The date the profile visibility was last updated |
Media Mention Associated Organization Units
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Media Mention Organization Unit Code | The code of the organization unit with which the activity is associated | |
Media Mention Organization Unit Name | The name of the organization unit with which the activity is associated | |
Media Mention Organization Unit Type | The type of the organization unit with which the activity is associated | |
Media Mention Organization Unit Names List | The names list of the organization unit with which the activity is associated |
Media Mention Associated Researchers
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Researcher Member Name | The name of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member First Name | The first name of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Last Name | The last name of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Middle Name | The middle name of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Suffix | The suffix of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Affiliated Primary Identifier | The primary identifier of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Non-Affiliated Primary Identifier | The primary identifier of non-affiliated researcher members | |
Researcher Member Type | The type of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Internal ID | The internal ID of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Position | The position of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Creation Date | The creation date of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Creator | The creator of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Modification Date | The modification date of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Modified By | The user who modified the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Profile URL Identifier | The URL identifier of the profile | |
Researcher Member Affiliated/Non-Affiliated | Indicates if the researcher member is affiliated | |
Researcher Member Previously Affiliated | Indicates if the researcher member was previously affiliated with the institution | |
Researcher Member Keywords | The keywords of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Languages | The languages of the of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Research Topics | The research topics of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Areas of Interest | The areas of interest of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Associations | The associations of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Honors | The honors of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Name Variants | The name variants of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Web Page URLs | The Web page URLs of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Has Assets | Indicates if the researcher member has assets | |
Researcher Member Current External Organization Affiliations Names List | A list of the current external organization affiliations of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Current Internal Organization Affiliations Names List | A list of the current internal organization affiliations of the researcher member | |
Researcher Member Has Current External Organizations | Indicates if the researcher member has current external organizations | |
Researcher Member Current External Organization Affiliations Country | This field is for future use | |
Researcher Member Has Current Internal Organizations | Indicates if the researcher member has current internal organizations | |
Researcher Member Has Public Profile | Indicates if the researcher member has a public profile | |
Researcher Member Has Proxy | Indicates if the researcher member has a proxy | |
Researcher Member Is Proxy | Indicates if the researcher member is a proxy | |
Researcher Member Include in Smart Harvesting | Indicates if the researcher member is included in smart harvesting | |
Researcher Member Smart Harvesting Last Run | The last date that smart harvesting ran | |
Associated Researcher Function | The associated researcher function | |
Associated Researcher Names List | The associated researcher names list |
Media Mention Creation Date
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Media Mention Creation Date | Stores the date that the activity was created in Esploro in the date format 2/29/2012 | |
Media Mention Creation Month Key | Stores the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Media Mention Creation Month | Stores the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Media Mention Creation Full Month | Stores the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Media Mention Creation Quarter | Stores the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Media Mention Creation Year | Stores the year of the date in string format such as 2012 |
Media Mention Dates
Media Mention Dates is a dimension table that stores details about media mention dates.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Media Mention Start Date | The activity start date | The start date of the activity |
Media Mention Start Date (Calendar) | The activity start date | The date in format 01/01/2007 that can be used for filtering by date in the report. If the month or day are missing, 01 is used |
Media Mention End Date | The activity end date | The end date of the activity |
Media Mention End Date (Calendar) | The activity end date | The date in format 01/01/2007 that can be used for filtering by date in the report. If the month or day are missing, 01 is used |
Media Mention Files
Media Mention Files is a dimension table that stores details about media mention files.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Media Mention File Access Rights ID | The access rights ID of the activity file | |
Media Mention File Create Date | The creation date of the activity file | |
Media Mention File Creator | The creator of the activity file | |
Media Mention File Description | The description of the activity file | |
Media Mention File Display Name | The display name of the activity file | |
Media Mention File Extension | The extension of the activity file | |
Media Mention File ID | The ID of the activity file | |
Media Mention File Internal Path | The internal path of the activity file | |
Media Mention File Mime Path | The Mime path of the activity file | |
Media Mention File Modification Date | The modification date of the activity file | |
Media Mention File Modified By | The user who modified the activity file | |
Media Mention File Name | The name of the activity file | |
Media Mention File Order | The order of the activity file | |
Media Mention File Size (In Bytes) | The size of the activity file (in bytes) | |
Media Mention File Type | The type of the activity file |
Media Mention File Access Rights
Media Mention File Access Rights is a dimension table that stores details about media mention file access rights.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
File Access Right Policy ID | The ID of the file access right policy | |
File Access Right Policy Reason | The reason for the file access right policy | |
File Access Right Policy Type | The type of the file access right policy |
Media Mention File Licenses
Media Mention File Licenses is a dimension table that stores details about media mention file licenses.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
File License Code | The code of the file license | |
File License Description | The description of the file license | |
File License Name | The name of the file license | |
File License URL | The URL of the file license |
Media Mention Links
Media Mention Links is a dimension table that stores details about media mention links.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Media Mention Link Create Date | The creation date of the activity link | |
Media Mention Link Creator | The creator of the activity link | |
Media Mention Link Description | The description of the activity link | |
Media Mention Link License Code | The license code of the activity link | |
Media Mention Link Modification Date | The modification date of the activity link | |
Media Mention Link Modified By | The user who last modified the activity link | |
Media Mention Link Order | The order of the activity link | |
Media Mention Link Ownership | The owner of the activity link | |
Media Mention Link Rights | The rights of the activity link | |
Media Mention Link Title | The title of the activity link | |
Media Mention Link Type | The type of the activity link | |
Media Mention Link URL | The URL of the activity link |
Media Mention File Licenses
Media Mention File Licenses is a dimension table that stores details about media mention file licenses.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
File License Code | The code of the file license | |
File License Name | The name of the file license |
Media Mention Research Topics
Media Mention Research Topics is a dimension table that stores details about media mention research topics.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Media Mention Research Topic Code | The code of the activity research topic | |
Media Mention Research Topic Type | The type of the activity research topic | |
Media Mention Research Topic Value | The value of the activity research topic | |
Media Mention Research Topic Keyword List | The keyword list of the activity research topic | |
Media Mention Research Topic Keywords (Language) | The language set for the topic keywords of the activity research topic | |
Media Mention Subject List | The list of the activity subject |
Media Mention Update Date
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Media Mention Update Date | Stores the date that the activity was created in Esploro in the date format 2/29/2012 | |
Media Mention Update Month Key | Stores the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Media Mention Update Month | Stores the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Media Mention Update Full Month | Stores the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Media Mention Update Quarter | Stores the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Media Mention Update Year | Stores the year of the date in string format such as 2012 |